Home Tag Alpha blockers

Articles in Alpha blockers

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Role of alpha blockers in the treatment of high blood pressure
Alpha blockers are often used to treat patients with high blood pressure. Although it gives quick results, when used also contains potential risks from side effects.
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What are alpha blockers and when are they indicated?
Alpha blockers are not the preferred drug class in the treatment of hypertension. The drug is often used in combination with the preferred drug classes when the patient's blood pressure is not controlled.
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Dibenzyline: Uses, indications and cautions when using
Dibenzyline is made in the form of capsules containing phenoxybenzamine 10mg. This is an alpha-blocker drug that inhibits nerve signals to control blood pressure in cases of high blood pressure caused by adrenal tumors, called phaeochromocytoma. Dibenzyline is often used when other alternative treatments are not suitable.
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Rapaflo: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Rapaflo is currently used primarily to treat men with an enlarged prostate. In order to improve the effectiveness of the treatment and prevent the occurrence of side effects, during the use of the drug, patients should strictly follow the doctor's instructions on the dose and duration of taking Rapaflo.
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Uses of Floezy
Floezy contains the active ingredient Tamsulosin, an alpha blocker that relaxes the muscles in the prostate and bladder neck. To ensure effective treatment, patients need to follow the doctor's instructions. The following article provides patients with the necessary information to use the drug properly.
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Combination of drugs in the treatment of hypertension
Combination of drugs in the treatment of hypertension is the selection and use of drugs in the most appropriate way to bring blood pressure to the target level. When coordinating, it is necessary to follow certain principles to avoid affecting the body.
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