Why is there a phenomenon of pseudo-hyperkalemia?

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The article was written by Specialist Doctor Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International Hospital .

Since the extracellular fluid makes up only about one-third of the body's fluid, most (about 98%) of the potassium is intracellular, with only a small fraction outside the cell (1.5–2%). Therefore, disturbances in serum potassium are often the result of transmembrane potassium translocation which may not accurately reflect total body potassium deficiency or excess.

1. Causes of pseudohyperkalemia

Increased intracellular potassium migration may increase serum potassium levels or aggravate pre-existing hyperkalemia but not total body potassium. Pay attention to cases of pseudohyperkalemia due to: + Ischemia in the blood collection area: The garot is too tight and prolonged. + Hemolysis in vitro: Due to the technique of taking blood (using a fine needle), leaving the blood tube for too long or during the transportation of the blood tube causes rupture of red blood cells. + Leukocytosis (> 50 G/L) or thrombocytosis (> 1000 G/L) causes blood sample to clot and release potassium from cells

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Bạch cầu tăng mạnh làm giải phóng kali khỏi tế bào gây tăng kali máu giả

Phenomenon of pseudo-hyperkalemia in the case of:
Insulin deficiency. Increased extracellular fluid osmolarity. To convert . Cell membrane disruption: Hemolysis, rhabdomyolysis, tumor lysis syndrome. Excessive exertion. Errors in taking blood samples for testing cause rupture of red blood cells.

2. How to detect pseudo-hyperkalemia?

Need clinical examination and blood test again to evaluate, pay special attention during blood collection to avoid breaking red blood cells or tying Garo too tight. When there is a phenomenon of pseudo-increase K, it is necessary to overcome and adjust the things that increase the pseudo-K as mentioned above.

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