Why is it necessary to supplement zinc for children with anorexia?

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Zinc is an essential trace element for the body, helping children develop comprehensively. Normally, the body will absorb zinc from the diet. However, what parents are interested in is whether to supplement zinc for children with anorexia? How is zinc supplementation for anorexia children reasonable?

1. The role of zinc in the development of children

Zinc is a trace element that has a certain influence on the organs and body functions of children as well as adults. Zinc plays a role in the production, reproduction, and division of cells. In the biological metabolism cycle, zinc is directly involved in the breakdown of proteins, nucleic acids and basic components of life. Zinc is present in most cells of the body, but is concentrated in bones and muscles. Zinc deficiency in children will lead to harmful effects such as: slow growth, malnutrition, difficulty adapting to changes, disorders of bone formation, height and weight not increasing, delayed puberty, sexual function limited,...
Answering the question of whether to supplement zinc for children with anorexia, experts all agree that supplementing zinc for children with anorexia helps improve taste, create a sense of appetite while eating , promote children to grow taller and have a better immune system.

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Bổ sung kẽm cho trẻ biếng ăn giúp cải thiện vị giác cho bé

2. Causes of zinc deficiency in children

Common causes of zinc deficiency are:
Diet high in starch, low in protein Eat enough protein, but the ability to absorb zinc in the intestinal membrane is poor, leading to zinc loss. Loss of zinc Inherited diseases in the family Taking medicine: Children who take iron for a long time will interfere with the absorption of zinc, especially the concentration of zinc in tissues and blood decreases, affecting the functions of many organ systems in the body. body.

3. Signs of zinc deficiency in children

The manifestations of zinc deficiency in children occur quite diverse. The first stage is mild and difficult to detect with symptoms such as:
Inability to concentrate, fatigue, or sleepiness Refusing to eat, not recognizing the taste of food, poor digestion The baby's physical condition does not develop. Infectious diseases Zinc supplementation for children with anorexia is not timely and adequate, leading to more severe conditions, affecting many different organs, from external structures to internal functions:
Skin: Dermatitis, keratosis, dry skin, tanning Hair: Lots of hair loss, thinning hair, sclerosis in hair, easy to break, hair color changes from black to yellow Nails: Loss of shine, white streaks, slow regrowth and very fragile,... Eyes: Dry cornea, itchy eyes, reduced tear secretion Semi-mucosa: Dry lips, sores on the lips, easy aphthous ulcers in the oral mucosa, inflammation around the anus, vulva. .. Digestive system: Loss of taste sensitivity, loss of appetite, anorexia, easy diarrhea Immune system: Decreased immunity leading to recurrent infections Nervous system: Nervous system abnormality, cognition has a disorder, has lethargy, has difficulty moving or inactivity Physical development: Fetal or child growth retardation, severe malnutrition. Children with zinc deficiency in the fetus at birth will show signs of damage to hair, nails, hair and skin and malnutrition.

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Nên bổ sung kẽm cho trẻ biếng ăn kịp thời để không gây ảnh hưởng nhiều tới các cơ quan trong cơ thể

4. Diet for children with zinc deficiency

Experts have given some advice on how to properly supplement zinc for children with anorexia as follows:
Take children to a nutrition clinic: Based on clinical results, blood zinc tests, urine , hair, ... the doctor will diagnose whether the child has zinc deficiency or not, to what extent? Levels equal to or above 100 micrograms of zinc per 100ml of blood are normal signs. If it is equal to or less than 70 micrograms of zinc per 100ml of blood, it is a sign that the baby is severely deficient in zinc. Zinc supplements from whole, natural foods: Balance between real and animal zinc, should not be abused too much. In addition, other special zinc-fortified products can be used such as milk, some vitamin preparations. Supplementing with zinc from supplements and functional foods: Zinc should be added for children with anorexia, growth retardation, pregnant and lactating women. For drugs containing zinc, should be taken 30 minutes after eating; Average replenishment time is 2 - 3 months. Note the treatment of diseases causing zinc deficiency before supplementation. When using zinc, it is recommended to combine vitamins A, B6, and C to increase the absorption of zinc. If the child must take both iron and zinc at the same time, it should be divided by at least 2 hours, taking iron later, because iron will interfere with zinc absorption. In the daily menu of zinc-deficient children, the following should be noted:
Zinc is found in a variety of foods, especially abundant in foods of animal origin such as oysters, shellfish, meat, fish, shrimp, etc. crab... Plant-based foods have less zinc, with the exception of sprouted nuts. To provide enough zinc, the baby's diet should also be fortified with vitamin C and foods rich in fiber; on the contrary, should save iron and copper. For infants under 6 months of age, breast milk is the safest, best and most easily absorbed source of zinc. Zinc-deficient babies who are breastfed should fortify more milk than usual. In general, parents with anorexic children need to pay more attention, create attractive and scientific menus, especially zinc supplements for children with anorexia in the right way so that their children's health is improved and the most comprehensive development. .
Parents should supplement zinc daily for children to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
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