Why does the body need vitamin E supplements?

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Vitamin E is a nutrient that helps protect your body's cells from harmful free radicals. Vitamin E can also help your body fight germs and keep your blood vessels open and free of blood clots.

1. The role of Vitamin E with the body

When the body does not absorb enough Vitamin E, the body can be seriously affected. Your body needs fat to absorb Vitamin E, so for people with digestive problems, genetic problems or medical conditions like Crohn's disease and cystic fibrosis, the amount of Vitamin E you absorb may not be enough. enough. This can affect your nerves, eyes, and immune system. If you have a medical condition that limits your ability to absorb Vitamin E, your doctor will have to treat these conditions first.
Over time, if you don't get enough Vitamin E, you can gradually lose the ability to coordinate your body's movements. Nerve damage can cause pain and weakness in the limbs and eye problems.

2. How much Vitamin E does the body need?

From 0 to 6 months old: 4mg/day (equivalent to 6 units) 7-12 months old: 5mg/day (equivalent to 7.5 units) From 1 to 3 years old: 6mg/day (equivalent to 7.5 units) 9 units) From 4-8 years old: 7mg/day (equivalent to 10.4 units) From 9-13 years old: 11mg/day (equivalent to 16.4 units) 14 years and older: 15mg/day (equivalent to 16.4 units) with 22.4 units) Lactating women: 19mg/day (equivalent to 28.5 units)

Lượng Vitamin E cần thiết cho cơ thể
Lượng Vitamin E cần thiết cho cơ thể

3. Where do vitamin E supplements come from?

Vitamin E from food: The best type of Vitamin E comes from wheat germ oil. Other sources of Vitamin E include sunflower seeds, almonds, safflower oil, hazelnuts, peanut butter, and spinach.
Vitamin E in lotions and oils: Essential oils and lotions containing Vitamin E can reduce skin inflammation, strengthen the skin barrier, and improve the condition of hair and nails.

4. Vitamin E in healing

Many people believe that Vitamin E has the ability to fade scars, however this has not been proven. Some doctors recommend against fading scars with Vitamin E due to possible allergic reactions.
You may have also read somewhere that Vitamin E has the ability to cure diseases like heart disease or Alzheimer's, but this information has not been verified with scientific evidence.
Drug interactions: If you are taking any medications, talk to your doctor before you take a Vitamin E supplement. This is especially important if you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or if you are taking blood thinners.

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Reference source: Webmd.com
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