Why does sinusitis cause headaches and is difficult to cure completely?

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Sinusitis is a disease showing an infection of the mucous membrane lining the inside of the sinuses caused by bacteria, viruses or allergies, leading to edema, narrowing of the diameter of the sinuses. sinus openings and causes pus discharge, fluid stagnation in the nasal cavity. So why does sinusitis cause headaches?

Headache is sometimes a sign of many diseases, including sinusitis. The symptoms of sinusitis causing headaches need to be differentiated from other diseases in order to have a definitive treatment.
Many people wonder why sinusitis causes headaches, but in fact, the most common symptom of sinusitis is a headache. This is a warning sign for sick people. According to research, sinusitis causes headaches because:
When the mucosa is swollen due to sinusitis, the nerves are compressed, affecting the connection with the temporal region, causing headaches to appear. Because the sinus opening is closed, the fluid in the nose cannot come out, the pressure on the sinus wall is greater, making the eyes, cheeks, ears and head uncomfortable. Disease-causing factors such as bacteria, viruses, and allergies cause sinusitis in the nose, leading to a weakened immune system, putting pressure on the nervous system, leading to headaches. When bacteria and viruses enter the sinuses, the nose becomes swollen and inflamed. The mucosa is swollen and causes a headache. Although sinusitis is detected early, it will easily recur and be difficult to treat completely because once infected, the nasal mucosa becomes extremely sensitive and more easily provoked by negative factors outside. inside and outside the body such as smoke, chemicals, or simply too much nasal spray. In addition, bacteria can also form on their own when the body's resistance is reduced or invade the body when nasal hygiene is not guaranteed, causing sinusitis to recur.
In particular, the incomplete treatment of sinusitis is also the reason why the disease is not completely cured and makes sinusitis worse, and can even cause many dangerous complications, especially complications. in the eye causes vision loss, blindness.
Methods to prevent sinusitis causing headaches include:
Lifestyle changes: A healthy lifestyle has a positive impact on sinusitis. Patients should avoid contact with allergens; Regular exercise... Massage: Massage will have the effect of dilating blood vessels, and at the same time helping to improve blood circulation; Creates a friction force with appropriate intensity to improve sinusitis causing headaches. Nasal steam: Steam the nose to open the airways, help push out mucus and relieve pressure on the sinuses, thereby limiting the above conditions. Hot bath: Similar to sauna, this remedy is also said to have the same effect. The heat from the steam will help moisten, at the same time, dissolve the mucus inside the sinuses and relax the mind, helping the patient to be comfortable, and repelling sinus headaches. In addition to the above measures, people with sinusitis should also regularly use physiological saline to clean their nose and throat to help prevent infections and prevent headaches caused by sinusitis.
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