Why does diabetes lead to kidney failure?

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The article was professionally consulted by a Urologist - Department of General Surgery & Anesthesia - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Diabetes causes many dangerous complications, of which about 20-40% of patients with diabetes lead to kidney failure. So why does diabetes lead to kidney failure, symptoms, treatment and prevention like?

1. Causes of diabetes leading to kidney failure

According to the classification of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) in 2004, diabetes mellitus (Diabetes) is divided into 2 main types: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. If diabetes is not controlled, it will cause acute and chronic complications to organs such as the skin, feet, heart... including renal microvascular complications, also known as diabetic nephropathy, which is the cause. leading cause of chronic renal failure.

1.1. Due to damage to the renal artery

Long-term diabetes causes atherosclerosis of large blood vessels, including renal arteries, narrowing blood vessels, resulting in high blood pressure and kidney failure.

1.2 Due to damage to small blood vessels in the kidney

People with diabetes, long-term high blood pressure creates oxidants, long-term damage to small blood vessels in the kidneys.
At the same time, the blood sugar level is high, the kidneys have to work too hard, for many days the filter holes are enlarged causing microalbuminuria to leak out into the urine.

1.3 Due to damage to the nervous system

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Các biến chứng của đái tháo đường

For people with diabetes, the transmission of nerve signals from the brain to the organs is malfunctioning, the bladder is less stimulated, there is no feeling when the bladder is full of urine, stagnation for a long time causes urinary tract infections In the urine, bacteria travel back up to the kidneys to damage the kidneys and lead to kidney failure.

2. Symptoms of kidney failure caused by diabetes

In the early stages, when the healthy kidney cells can still work to compensate for the damaged kidney cells, the signs of kidney failure due to diabetes are not obvious such as: slight swelling of the feet, headache, boredom. eating, fatigue, memory loss, and high blood pressure. Patients are often discovered by chance through urine albumin testing or abdominal ultrasonography, enlarged kidneys.
In later stages, signs become more severe: generalized edema, ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, foamy urine...
Symptoms of diabetic kidney disease In the early stages are often non-specific, diabetic patients should go to medical facilities for regular check-ups periodically to detect early complications so that complications of diabetes can be treated promptly.

3. How to prevent diabetes leading to kidney failure

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Cách phòng ngừa đái tháo đường dẫn đến suy thận

Diabetics in addition to controlling blood sugar and blood pressure strictly and early as prescribed by the doctor, a healthy diet and lifestyle will help prevent diabetes leading to kidney failure.
Diet for diabetics:
Limit starches such as rice, vermicelli, potatoes, baked potatoes... Avoid sweets such as cakes, candies... Eat more green vegetables and low-sugar fruits Eat less salt, should not eat processed foods with a lot of salt such as instant noodles, salted meat, sausages, sausages Limit protein as prescribed by the doctor such as eggs, animal organs... Limit animal fat , animal butter Eat many small meals a day, should not eat too full but still ensure enough energy. Maintain a healthy lifestyle:
Limit stimulants such as alcohol, beer, coffee, tobacco... Exercise regularly and moderately. Maintain a suitable weight, lose weight if obese. Diabetes leading to kidney failure is a dangerous complication, but we can completely control and prevent it from getting worse by early detection and control of your blood sugar within the allowable range. combined with a healthy lifestyle to preserve healthy kidney function.

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