Why do you have vestibular disorder?

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Vestibular is a part of the nervous system located behind the cochlea on both sides, which plays a role in balancing the body, maintaining balance in postures, in activities, and coordinating moving parts such as: Eyes, hands, feet, trunk... Vestibular disorder is a common disease even in young people, greatly affecting the patient's quality of life and working ability. In fact, many people, when diagnosed, still do not know why they have vestibular disorders.

“Why have vestibular disorders?” is a common question of many people, vestibular disorder is a condition in which the transmission and reception of information in the vestibule is disturbed or blocked due to damage to the 8th nerve or the artery that nourishes the brain. other lesions in the inner ear area and brain. This causes the vestibule to lose balance, the body staggers, dizziness, dizziness, lightheadedness, tinnitus, nausea...
Answer to the question "why vestibular disorder? , experts say, there are many causes of vestibular disorders such as changing weather, poisoning (chemicals, drugs, food...); and due to diseases such as: cerebral circulatory disorders, cervical spondylosis, hypertension, brain diseases such as brain tumors, cerebellar tumours, 8 nerve tumors...
To better understand about The question of why there are vestibular disorders, it is necessary to understand both types: Peripheral vestibular disorders and central vestibular disorders.
Why peripheral vestibular disorders? The main answer is that the patient has:
Ear disease: Chronic mastoid otitis, otosclerosis; Medicines: Medicines that damage the vestibule - cochlea such as some antibiotics, diuretics, treatment drugs, cancer, radiation therapy, pain relievers,...; Vasoconstriction of the basilar artery. In people who work in an office, sit for a long time in a cold room and have frequent contact with computers, so the cervical spine area is susceptible to cold, leading to peripheral vestibular disorders. “Why central vestibular disorders?” The answer may be due to: Atherosclerosis or the patient has high blood pressure.
In addition, some factors can increase the risk of vestibular disorders such as age, people with a history of dizziness... When there are signs of vestibular disorders or any abnormal changes of the vestibular system. Your body needs to see a doctor as soon as possible so that the doctors can examine, diagnose and have timely treatment methods.
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