Why do depressed people commit suicide?

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According to a report by the Institute of Mental Health, every year in Vietnam, more than 40,000 people commit suicide due to depression. This report also adds that about 30% of the Vietnamese population has mental disorders, 25% of which are depressive diseases.

1. What is depression?

Depression is a symptom of a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression affects the way you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a variety of mental and physical problems. If sadness persists for days or weeks, it can make it difficult to work or have fun with family or friends, and in severe cases, depression can lead to suicidal thoughts. suicidal.

2. Common signs in people with depression:

His face is always sad, depressed, feeling lonely, lonely. Losing all interest in life, walking slowly, feeling heavy, tired, like having no health to work, getting tired quickly, don't like being close to relatives, seeing people and children having fun don't care either. Eat less feeling unappetizing, cold. Toss and turn, have trouble sleeping, wake up early, want to sleep but can't sleep, sometimes sleep but wake up unwell. Difficulty concentrating, hesitant to "decided", unable to cope, forgetful Or complain of headaches, neck fatigue, neck pain, nervous chest compressions, massage hands and feet due to aches and pains, see a doctor The department or buying medicine can't run out. There is a feeling of worry for no reason, an unreasonable obsession with illness, of fear but easily angered and grumpy. Communicating reluctantly, avoiding visits, trying to get things done, feeling stuck. Feeling bored with life like apologizing to relatives and family, losing to others, not equal to others, becoming useless, not worth living, thinking and sometimes looking for a way to die.

Người bệnh cảm thấy mình trở nên vô dụng, không đáng sống, nghĩ và đôi khi tìm cách chết
Người bệnh cảm thấy mình trở nên vô dụng, không đáng sống, nghĩ và đôi khi tìm cách chết

3. Why does depression often accompany suicides?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are currently about 350 million people suffering from depression, that is, 1 in 20 people have experienced a depression, whether severe or mild. Depressive disorder often occurs at a young age, reduces the ability to work and often relapses in later years. Severe depression is an important cause of the global burden of disease after suicide and cardiovascular disease. Each year, about one million people die due to the obsession of depression.
Depressive symptoms recur repeatedly and gradually become chronic, leading to impaired self-care, or suicidal thoughts. People of any age can get the disease, and women are usually twice as likely to get it than men. Depression can be dangerous to others because of the patient's own thoughts about death and suicidal ideation. For example: a mother kills a newborn baby (postpartum psychotic depression), a teenager kills a parent, kills an elderly person, a serial killer...
Some situations can easily lead to depression such as mental shocks, psychological trauma, work-study pressure, career breakdown, facing great difficulties, prolonged discord, postpartum women... Elderly people often have symptoms present sorrow, pain, slowness, few words, forgetfulness; It is easy to mistake it for old age. Patients sometimes can't even control their own behavior. They think that suicide is the only thing that can free themselves from their obsessions and torments. In fact, suicidal thoughts or suicidal behavior, harming others is a symptom of major depression.
Patients should not take symptoms of depression lightly, seek out experts and psychologists to clarify their problems. Patients with depression need to visit many times for treatment and monitoring to prevent symptoms from getting worse. Friends and family members are the link, an important factor in successful treatment of depression. Need to understand depression, support treatment, help in life, regularly maintain the patient's previous activities. Recognize the warning signs of suicide, and get serious about suicide, as soon as a patient has thoughts of wanting to die.

Người bệnh không nên coi nhẹ triệu chứng trầm cảm, hãy tìm đến các chuyên gia, bác sĩ tâm lý để nói rõ vấn đề của mình
Người bệnh không nên coi nhẹ triệu chứng trầm cảm, hãy tìm đến các chuyên gia, bác sĩ tâm lý để nói rõ vấn đề của mình

3. Where should depression be treated?

When there are signs of depression, immediately go to the most reputable medical facility for examination and appropriate treatment.

Người bệnh không nên coi nhẹ triệu chứng trầm cảm, hãy tìm đến các chuyên gia, bác sĩ tâm lý để nói rõ vấn đề của mình
Người bệnh không nên coi nhẹ triệu chứng trầm cảm, hãy tìm đến các chuyên gia, bác sĩ tâm lý để nói rõ vấn đề của mình
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