Why are coral kidney stones complicated?

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Coral kidney stones are stones filled with 2 or more calyx branches, shaped like coral. Coral kidney stones are also known as struvite or infectious stones.

Video content is consulted by Master, Doctor Vo Thien Ngon - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital

The characteristic of coral kidney stones is that the kidney stones are only in the calyx of the renal pelvis, not in other locations such as the bladder or ureters. Coral kidney stones if not treated can cause pyelonephritis, kidney failure, systemic toxicity, which leads to death.
There are many causes of coral kidney stone disease, most of which are due to location, food, water source ... Some cases of coral kidney stones are less dangerous than small stones, if the kidney stones drift down and subureteral obstruction causing hydronephrosis.
People with coral kidney stone disease, the size of the kidney stone is very large, so there is almost no effective drug to treat it. If the coral kidney stone causes hydronephrosis, the treatment for coral kidney stone is surgery. In some cases, coral kidney stones have the risk of causing infection and damage to the kidneys, and surgery is also indicated.
The diet for people with coral kidney stones is the same as for people with common urolithiasis, limit the use of hot spicy foods, calcium-rich foods, stimulants such as alcohol, beer, limit vegetables. wish.
Coral kidney stone is a disease that can be prevented by drinking plenty of water, moderate living, and reasonable exercise. If you have been diagnosed with coral kidney stones, you should have a treatment for coral kidney stones under the advice and direction of a doctor.

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