Where does the large liver fluke live?

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Liver fluke is a fairly common disease in our country due to the habit of eating aquatic plants and drinking cold water. So where does the liver fluke parasitize when entering the body and what is the shape of the liver fluke?

1. Large liver fluke shape?

The liver fluke includes two species, Fasciola hepattca and Fasciola gigantlca. Fasciola hepattca was discovered by Linnaeus in 1758 and Fasciola gigantlca in 1856 in Japan. Fasciola hepattca species is distributed mainly in Europe, Africa and some Asian countries such as Korea, Iran, Papua New Guinea and some parts of Japan. While Fasciola gigantlca species is distributed mainly in some Asian countries such as the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.
The adult liver fluke is shaped like a leaf, flattened body, thin border, size 20 - 30mm x 10 - 12mm, white pink or gray red. There are two types of liver flukes: oral absorption and abdominal absorption. Small mouth steamer, size 1mm, bigger belly steamer, 1.6mm size. Liver fluke eggs have the largest size in fluke species, the size ranges from 130-150 x 60-90 μm, the average size is 140 x 80 μm.

Sán lá gan trưởng thành nhìn giống như một chiếc lá
Sán lá gan trưởng thành nhìn giống như một chiếc lá

2. Where does the liver fluke parasitize?

Large liver fluke has a complex life cycle. Large liver fluke eggs from the biliary tract are excreted into the environment through feces. If the eggs are dropped into the water, the eggs will hatch into hairy larvae and parasitize the snails. In the snail, the hairy larvae will develop into the tail larva, the tail larva leaves the snail and attaches to the aquatic plants (such as water spinach, celery, watercress, cilantro, lotus root, etc.) ) create cysts or swim freely in water. If people or cattle eat raw vegetables under water containing cysts or drink water containing large liver fluke larvae, they will be infected.

Sán lá gan lớn tàn phá gan và các bộ phận khác trên cơ thể người bệnh
Sán lá gan lớn tàn phá gan và các bộ phận khác trên cơ thể người bệnh

Where does the liver fluke parasitize after entering the body? After entering the body, the larvae of the fluke will enter the stomach, go through the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal cavity, and then penetrate the liver to parasitize in the biliary tract. In addition to parasites in the liver and biliary system, in some cases, liver fluke larvae can migrate to parasitic places in muscles, joints, skin, eyes, genital organs,...If not detected With timely treatment, large liver flukes will cause many injuries, seriously affecting the health of patients. Large liver fluke parasitizes in the biliary tract and destroys liver tissue, causing foci of liver damage with heterogeneous necrosis, which can cause abscesses, cirrhosis, and liver congestion. Large liver fluke parasites in the bile ducts, causing dilated bile ducts, biliary obstruction, damage to the biliary epithelium, biliary fibrosis, and even can cause cholangiocarcinoma. Gallstone disease, acute pancreatitis are very common when infected with fascioliasis. When the large liver fluke is displaced, it will cause damage and necrosis at the parasitic site with inflammation and fibrosis.

Trắc nghiệm: Làm thế nào để bảo vệ lá gan khỏe mạnh?

Làm test trắc nghiệm kiểm tra hiểu biết về gan có thể giúp bạn nhận thức rõ vai trò quan trọng của gan, từ đó có các biện pháp bảo vệ gan để phòng ngừa bệnh tật.

3. Treatment of large liver fluke

The doctor will diagnose liver fluke disease based on:
Clinical symptoms are mainly pain in the liver or epigastrium, in some cases there is fever, indigestion, loss of appetite, people causing loss, confusion. Digest . Subclinical: ultrasound images are abscesses with mixed echo, ELISA test is positive, blood test has elevated eosinophils. The current specific treatment for fascioliasis is Triclabendazol. Adults: 10mg/kg as a single dose. If not cured can be increased to 20mg/kg in 2 divided doses 12-24 hours apart. Children 6 years and older can use the same dose as adults. The use of this medicine in children under 6 years of age has not been studied. For women who are breastfeeding, should abstain from breastfeeding for 72 hours after taking the drug. The drug is taken orally, swallowed with water, not chewed. In some people, after using Triclabendazol may experience side effects such as sweating, fatigue, abdominal pain, chest tightness, diarrhea, headache, dizziness,...
To prevent fluke disease The liver is large, it is necessary to eat cooked and drink boiling water, do not eat raw vegetables that grow under water, do not drink cold water, and at the same time prevent diseases for livestock. When there are symptoms of the disease, the patient should go to medical facilities that specialize in parasites for early detection and treatment.
Customers who want to examine and treat small liver fluke disease at Vinmec can directly go to Vinmec Health System nationwide or contact to book an online appointment HERE.
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