When should VA curettage and tonsillectomy for children?

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The article was professionally consulted by Dr. CCII Tran Thi Linh Chi - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Because the immune system is not fully developed, children are the subject of many respiratory diseases and VA, tonsillitis is one of them. When children have VA, tonsillitis, parents always wonder when it is necessary for children to cure VA, remove tonsils? Are these procedures dangerous and leave complications?

1. Role of VA and tonsils

VA (also known as ring tonsils) and tonsils (or to be precise, palatal tonsils) are two components of the lymphatic system located at the crossroads of the pharynx. Thanks to the ability to produce antibodies, VA and tonsils are both considered as immune barriers for the body, helping to protect the body against respiratory infections.
However, if bacteria invade massively, too much can cause tonsillitis, VA. When the infection recurs many times, the VA and tonsils not only no longer have immune function, but also become an inflammation filled with bacteria, and this inflammation is the cause of other respiratory diseases such as abscesses. around tonsils, chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis...

Nếu vi khuẩn xâm nhập ồ ạt, quá mức có thể gây tình trạng viêm amidan
Nếu vi khuẩn xâm nhập ồ ạt, quá mức có thể gây tình trạng viêm amidan

2. When should VA curettage, tonsillectomy in children?

Parents often worry that after tonsillectomy or VA curettage, the body's immunity will decline. However, it should be noted that the VA and tonsils only have a certain role in the body's immune barrier, there are many other important organs involved in the immune system. Repeated VA and tonsillitis not only make them lose their immune role, but even become a potential reservoir of bacteria, ready to explode at any time and lead to more dangerous complications. Therefore, for some cases, the appointment of VA curettage, tonsillectomy is absolutely necessary.
Vaginal curettage surgery will be considered and indicated by the doctor in the following cases (no age limit):
Vaginitis recurs many times a year (≥ 5 times/year). VA does not improve with drug treatment, children have complications such as nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media. long and obstruct the child's breathing, sometimes with sleep apnea. Tonsillitis will be indicated in the following cases:
Repeated tonsillitis (more than 5 times/year) greatly affects children's learning, health and quality of life. Tonsillitis causes complications such as: bronchitis, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, arthritis,... Enlarged tonsils cause airway obstruction, difficulty swallowing, difficulty speaking, snoring or even apnea.

3. How to remove VA and cut tonsils?

The improved VA curettage is safe and highly effective. Vinmec International General Hospital, performing VA curettage with modern HUMMER suction cutters, allows the maximum removal of infectious VA without causing damage to neighboring organs. The process of cutting tonsils will use a Coblator machine because the temperature at the cutting point is low, so it causes less damage, less pain and easy to stop bleeding after surgery.

4. Taking care of children after curettage surgery, tonsillectomy

Nên cho trẻ ăn các thức ăn mềm, lỏng như cháo, súp
Nên cho trẻ ăn các thức ăn mềm, lỏng như cháo, súp
The period after surgery, the wound is still very sensitive, so parents must pay attention to the diet to help the child get well quickly. Children should eat soft, liquid foods such as porridge, soup. Especially, children must drink a lot of filtered water, oresol water to avoid dehydration.
Limit hard foods that can cause friction to affect the wound. Milk and dairy products should also be limited because they are easy to stagnate in the ears, nose, and throat. Spicy and acidic foods such as lemon juice, orange juice, tomatoes, peppers, and chili peppers can cause burning and discomfort in your baby's throat, so these foods should be eliminated from your baby's diet for about 2 weeks. after surgery.
Should take the child to the doctor immediately if the child has the following signs:
The child has a high fever above 39 degrees Celsius, does not respond to paracetamol fever reducer. Vomiting profusely, pain increases. Children stop eating altogether. Severe bleeding from the mouth or nose or vomiting blood A sore throat that is severe and does not respond to medication within 48 to 72 hours. Children with voice loss Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has been regularly applying the method of tonsillectomy and curettage of the VA by the Coblator system, with a team of good and experienced Otolaryngologists and Modern and comfortable equipment system will be the perfect choice for patients.
The tonsillectomy and curettage of the VA with the Coblator system brings a lot of advantages to the patient and the doctor, including:
The surgery is almost painless and has very little bleeding, the implementation time is very fast, only 5 to 10 years. minute. Be sure to remove all the infected tissue and preserve the healthy tissue well. You can eat and drink right after the surgery, the hospital stay is fast only 1 day after surgery. If you have a need for tonsillectomy, VA curettage for children, you can contact the Vinmec hospital and clinic system nationwide.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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