When should the Anti TPO test be performed?

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Article written by Master, Doctor Do Thi Hoang Ha - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

Anti TPO (Thyroid Antibody) also known as Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody (TPO-Ab) – antibody to the enzyme Thyroid Peroxidase. Thyroid peroxidase is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, helping to attach iodine molecules to the protein framework of thyroglobulin. When the body appears autoantibodies that attack this enzyme will reduce or stop the above process.

1. When should Anti TPO test be performed?

When your body shows the following abnormal symptoms, it is often recommended to go to the doctor and have a thyroid test, then the clinician will decide to order the appropriate test depending on the symptoms on each patient , including the Anti TPO test:
Appearance of symptoms of Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis (enlarged thyroid gland, showing signs of hypothyroidism such as fatigue, sluggishness, poor cold tolerance, dry skin, swelling of the tongue and face, hair loss, memory loss, menorrhagia...). The disease is common in women with a rate 7 times higher than in men, especially in pregnant women. Women with fertility problems when there is clinical suspicion of an autoimmune thyroid disease .

Xét nghiệm Anti TPO để xác định bệnh lý tự miễn tuyến giáp
Xét nghiệm Anti TPO để xác định bệnh lý tự miễn tuyến giáp

2. What does the Anti TPO indicator indicate?

The normal range of the Anti-TPO test is < 34 U/ml, then only a very small amount of anti-Thyroid Peroxidase antibody is present in the blood, which is considered negative.
There are still some people with autoimmune thyroid diseases in the population that do not have autoantibodies in their blood, but a negative Anti TPO test result is more likely to point to other causes than other diseases. autoimmune .
When anti-TPO test is positive (anti-TPO blood level ≥ 34 U/L) is common in the following diseases:
Graves' thyroiditis, Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis Some extrathyroid diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis rheumatic fever, Addison's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, pernicious anemia.

3. Factors affecting Anti TPO test results?

In case of broken red blood cells (may be caused by hemolysis because the patient is infected with blood parasites or because of the sampling technique). Excessive serum bilirubin concentration (> 66 mg/dl). Serum fat (the patient's blood fat is too high)

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Nồng độ mỡ máu quá cao cũng ảnh hưởng đến kết quả xét nghiệm

4. The meaning of high Anti TPO

When the clinician suspects that the patient has an autoimmune disorder in which the level of Anti-TPO antibodies increases gradually over time, the test will be repeated 1-2 times after the first test (1-2 day). Levels that increase over time are more clinically significant than steady-state levels because they reflect an increase in the body's autoimmune activity.
Anti-TPO levels increase in some diseases such as Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis, Basedow's, diabetes, some cases of thyroid cancer. However, the concentration of Anti-TPO in the patient's blood does not reflect the extent of the disease.
Anti-TPO test is also recommended in pregnant women with a personal and family history of thyroid dysfunction, if the mother's blood anti-TPO level is high, it also affects the health of the baby. fetal development.
In addition, according to statistics, 3-5% of people who have a positive Anti-TPO test have no pathology.
Anti TPO test can be done quickly and easily at Vinmec International General Hospital. For detailed advice, please come directly to Vinmec health system or register online HERE.
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