When should children take worm medicine?

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Worms are a parasite that lives in the intestinal tract of humans. All subjects can be infected with worms and the rate is often high in young children. The reason is that children often play with the ground and scratch their anus, so it is easy to get infected with pinworms. So when is the most appropriate time for children to take worm medicine?

1. The popular dewormers on the market today

Dewormer is a drug that kills intestinal parasites. The mechanism of action of the drug is to prevent the ability of the worms to synthesize nutrients, thereby causing them to die or make the worms paralysed and excreted in the feces. However, current worms cannot kill worm eggs, but can only kill larvae and adult worms.
Commonly used deworming drugs on the market:
Mebendazole, thiabendazole, albendazole, pyrantel group of drugs have the ability to eliminate roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, roundworms, pinworms, beakworms, even roundworms. even tapeworms. A group of drugs capable of eliminating intestinal worms, for example: ivermectin (removes strongyloidiasis, filariasis), diethylcarbamazin treats lymphatic filariasis.

2. When should I take dewormer?

Currently, worm medicine usually contains 2 active ingredients albendazol, mebendazol. In which mebendazole is not toxic with the ability to inhibit the ability of the worms to consume nutrients. Mebendazol is an over-the-counter medicine, so you can give your child a regular dose every 4 to 6 months, taking only 1 tablet of 500mg each time. Medicines containing mebendazole should only be given to children 2 years of age and older. Mebendazole can be used at any time of the day, can be taken with full or hungry. Mebendazol is easier to use than previous anthelmintic drugs, you do not need to fast your child or use an enema.
However, these drugs still have the potential to cause unwanted side effects such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, ... To avoid these symptoms may occur you can take the drug after meals shining. For the best deworming effect, you should give the medicine to your baby 2 hours after dinner or early in the morning (on an empty stomach).
Absolutely do not prescribe drugs for pregnant women (the first 3 months of pregnancy), deworming should be done before planning to give birth. Many doctors believe that children over 12 months old can start deworming or earlier, but need guidance from a specialist.
Deworming for children on an annual basis is a very necessary thing. Regular deworming helps children avoid malnutrition, growth retardation,...

3. Some measures to prevent helminth infections

Besides using medicine, you should teach children how to prevent worm infections such as:
Maintain personal hygiene, wash hands before eating and after defecation, do not play dirty, often bathe, do not walk the ground, do not let children crawl on the ground. Cut nails, wear slippers regularly, protect workers when in contact with the soil. Eat cooked food, drink boiling water, eat foods that have been thoroughly cooked and processed hygienically. Fresh manure management, especially in areas where adult tapeworms are present. Use hygienic toilets. Do not raise pigs freely. Do not use fresh manure to fertilize crops, especially vegetables. Hopefully with the sharing on the issue of when should children take deworming medicine? helped parents get answers and know how to take good care of their children and develop more comprehensively.

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