What you need to know about testing for syphilis

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Syphilis is considered one of the most dangerous infections today, the disease is spread mainly through unprotected sex. The disease causes adverse effects on human health, sometimes even life-threatening, so it should be detected and treated promptly. Testing for syphilis is considered a useful method to contribute to the diagnosis of this social disease.

1. Syphilis test

Syphilis is caused by a spirochete named Treponema pallidum, which is transmitted through the vagina, mouth, and anus during sexual contact with someone who has been infected with this bacterium. The disease has a very diverse clinical form and progresses through many stages, lasting many weeks, sometimes up to several months and years, so it is necessary to do necessary tests to identify the disease as soon as possible. , of which important but still the methods of testing for syphilis.
The main stages of syphilis include:
Stage 1: Symptoms appear from 6 to 8 weeks and then disappear automatically such as ulcers of the genital organs such as the foreskin and vagina, lips baby for female. The ulcer is round or bulbous, red, non-itchy, no pus. At this stage, if tested for syphilis in time, it can be effectively treated. Stage 2: Syphilis has appeared for 6 to 9 months, clinical manifestations are very obvious such as papules, erythematous nodules such as blisters, skin and mucosal sores... Stage 3: This is the late stage and very dangerous because the bacteria have penetrated the internal organs and grown there, such as the heart, liver, muscles, brain... Between stages of syphilis, if If there are no obvious clinical symptoms, it is called closed syphilis and can only be detected through serological testing. Because of the long incubation period of Treponema pallidum syphilis bacteria, if syphilis tests are detected in time and treated properly, the disease is likely to be cured and does not cause dangerous complications for the patient.

Ở giai đoạn 2 bệnh giang mai biểu hiện rõ với những dấu hiệu như nổi vết sần, nốt ban hồng như phỏng nước,..
Ở giai đoạn 2 bệnh giang mai biểu hiện rõ với những dấu hiệu như nổi vết sần, nốt ban hồng như phỏng nước,..

2. How is syphilis tested?

Some common syphilis testing methods are currently being performed at reputable facilities:
Test by dark field microscopy This method is often applied to patients with syphilis in In the early stages, because the spirochete has not penetrated deeply into the blood, it can be viewed under a dark field microscope. The method is performed by taking a sample of the patient's ulcer, vaginal fluid, and urethral fluid and examining it under a dark field microscope to look for bacteria.
RPR screening test Patients who are in stage 2 will usually be tested with this method. The mechanism of this test for syphilis is to find the body's antibodies against the infection, thereby contributing to the diagnosis of syphilis.
Test for specific antibodies to syphilis Blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples of the patient are taken to check for the presence of antibodies against Treponema Pallidum bacteria or not. This test has two common types today, the qualitative/quantitative TPHA (TPPA) test and the automated Syphilis test, which helps to find antibodies specific to the bacteria that cause syphilis.

3. Can a blood test detect syphilis?

Xét nghiệm máu có thể phát hiện được bệnh giang mai, thậm chí là phát hiện sớm ngay từ khi mới tiếp xúc với nguồn bệnh
Xét nghiệm máu có thể phát hiện được bệnh giang mai, thậm chí là phát hiện sớm ngay từ khi mới tiếp xúc với nguồn bệnh
To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to have all the signs that show the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the body through a number of necessary tests. A blood test checks for the presence of antibodies that fight infection. Testing tissue and fluid taken from a syphilis wound on a patient's body plays a very important role, helping to determine the presence of Treponema Pallidum bacteria or not. Because syphilis antibodies exist in the environment of the patient's blood, a blood test can detect syphilis, even early detection when the patient has just been exposed to the source of the disease for 1 year. up to 2 weeks. The blood test also shows whether the patient has been previously infected with the spirochete Treponema Pallidum, if the result is negative, the test can be repeated again to detect syphilis as early and accurately as possible. most accurate.
Syphilis tests include many types, can directly look for pathogenic spirochetes or serological methods can detect the disease accurately. Depending on the stage of the disease as well as the different forms of the disease, when the patient has abnormal signs, they should go to a reputable medical facility for appropriate syphilis testing techniques or maybe go to a doctor. Periodic health is a very good thing for timely detection and treatment of syphilis.
Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package of Examination and Screening for social diseases to help customers detect diseases early and have effective treatment and prevent dangerous complications. The screening package for social diseases at Vinmec is for all ages, both men and women.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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