What you need to know about age spot disease

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Thi Thu Hang - Dermatologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
Age spots usually appear on areas of the skin that are often exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, arms, shoulders, and chest. The disease usually appears in people after the age of 40 but can also appear in younger people.

1. What is age spot disease?

Age spots are flat, oval, brown, gray or black spots, unequal in size, usually 0.5-2.5cm. Age spots can appear on the skin anywhere on the body, but most commonly appear on areas of the skin that are often exposed to the sun, such as the face, shoulders, chest, hands, and arms. . Age spots are a manifestation of skin aging, over time, age spots will gradually increase in size and darker in color.
Age spot disease is common in people aged 40 and over, because at this age, the skin becomes thin, less elastic and often damaged by long-term sun exposure. However, age spots can also appear in young people, especially those who often work in the sun without protection.

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Đi nắng không che chắn cũng dễ làm xuất hiện đồi mồi

2. Causes of age spots appear

Melanin is a skin pigment produced by melanocytes below the epidermis, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays in the sun. However, when melanin is concentrated in large density, it will cause age spots, melasma, darkening of the skin,...
There are many causes of increased melanin, these causes can be divided into 2 groups including:
External factors The most common are UV rays in the sun. UV rays can cause lipid peroxidation of cell membranes, generate free radicals, and stimulate melanocytes to overproduce melanin. When the body enters middle age, the skin's ability to self-eliminate gradually weakens, some melanin can accumulate on the surface of the skin, causing age spots.
Other external causes such as: using some drugs that cause photosensitization without protection when exposed to the sun (drugs such as Tetracycline, Sulfamide, Doxycycline, ..), using some cosmetics make the skin sensitive to sunlight,...
Internal factors such as genetics, endocrine disorders during pregnancy, oral contraceptives or hormonal drugs, inadequate nutrition, .. .promotes the production of melanin.

Trắc nghiệm: Bận rộn có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của bạn không?

Cuộc sống hiện đại khiến chúng ta vì quá bận rộn mà quên chăm sóc sức khỏe cho chính mình. Ai cũng biết rằng lịch trình làm việc cả ngày có thể khiến bạn kiệt sức, nhưng cụ thể bận rộn ảnh hưởng thế nào tới sức khỏe? Hãy cùng làm thử bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây.

3. How to treat age spots

Age spot disease, in addition to affecting aesthetic factors, is generally nothing to worry about. However, in rare cases, when age spots have rapid growth in size, abnormal color, pain, itching or bleeding, patients need to see a dermatologist to prevent skin cancer.

Đốm đồi mồi nhìn chung chỉ ảnh hưởng đến yếu tố thẩm mỹ
Đốm đồi mồi nhìn chung chỉ ảnh hưởng đến yếu tố thẩm mỹ
Regarding the treatment of age spots, there are currently two main methods that are removing discolored skin spots and correcting discolored skin spots.
3.1. Methods of removing discolored skin spots Depending on the condition of age spots, the doctor can choose one of the following methods:
Chemical exfoliation with AHA (alpha hydroxy acid): AHAs come in many forms, in of which glycolic acid is the most common form. AHAs have small molecules that easily penetrate the surface of the skin, helping to promote the natural removal of dead skin cells (with slight flaking). When using AHA on the skin with age spots, it will help increase moisture and rejuvenate the skin by promoting new cell regeneration, improving pigmentation, and even skin tone. YAG Laser Therapy: The doctor uses a laser with a microscopic size, high energy wavelength to precisely aim at the location to be treated. The selected wavelength will affect the pigment in the deep layer without causing skin damage. The laser safely removes age tissue without pain or bleeding. Helps to make the skin surface and the skin around the age spots more even, shiny, and firmer. IPL energy projection: the energy from the IPL device penetrates the filters for a short period of time to help create wavelengths that can penetrate deep into the skin. When shining on the skin of the age spots, the high heat from these wavelengths will absorb the melanin pigments, eliminating age spots. 3.2. Methods for Correcting Age Spots Many skin care and cosmetic products are made with the aim of correcting skin pigmentation. These products help to whiten dark areas or slow down pigment production.
Vitamin C Derivatives: Proven to fight hyperpigmentation. Glycolic acid: An active ingredient used in many cosmetics to help fight hyperpigmentation. In addition, glycolic acid also helps to exfoliate, anti-aging, and prevent acne. Kojic acid: is a product of rice wine fermentation. Kojic acid works by inhibiting the enzyme that produces melanin, which helps to lighten the skin and effectively repel age spots.

4. Measures to prevent age spots

When age spot disease occurs, to treat it completely requires patience, long-term treatment measures and can be very expensive. Therefore, early prevention of age spot disease is extremely necessary. Limiting sun exposure is the most important thing, avoid outdoor activities when the sun is strong (around 10am to 3pm). Use sunscreen regularly, 10-15 minutes before going outside. Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours or more often if sweating or swimming. Regularly use a wide-brimmed hat, a mask, and wear sun-protective clothing.
Diet with lots of vegetables, fresh fruits, foods rich in vitamins A, E, C, omega-3, selenium, drink lots of water, get enough sleep to fight skin aging.

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