What to eat and avoid after gastroscopy?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Currently, the endoscopic method has become popular and is no longer strange to patients. Endoscopy will help doctors easily diagnose digestive diseases. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy both belong to endoscopy. So after gastroscopy and colonoscopy what to eat and what to abstain is a question that many patients care about.

1. What is gastroscopy?

Gastroscopy is indicated by doctors when used to investigate diseases related to the esophagus, stomach and the first part of the small intestine (duodenum). Patients are assigned to fast from 6 to 8 hours, do not drink water before the endoscopy
Gastroscopy is a highly appreciated method, helping the doctor to detect small lesions just a few millimeters inside the digestive system. chemical. When performing an endoscopy, the doctor will use a small flexible endoscope, threaded through the patient's mouth to directly examine the upper part of the digestive tract including the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The tip of the small endoscope is attached with a light, the camera helps to capture images directly on the screen.


2. What is a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is required to take 3 sachets of Fortrans within 2 hours. After 2 hours, the patient will go out continuously to help clean up.
Similar to the stomach, the first part of the endoscope is attached with light, the camera helps to capture images directly on the screen, but the scope is larger, threaded through the patient's anus, and can examine areas such as rectum, colon.

What to eat and avoid after gastroscopy?

3. What to eat after gastroscopy?

Patients after endoscopy will experience some symptoms such as mild abdominal distention, sore throat, difficulty swallowing saliva, abdominal pain, ... but these problems will subside after that should Patients do not need to worry too much.
After the endoscopy is completed, the patient should only eat soft, liquid, easy to digest foods such as porridge, soft cakes, so drink cold milk because hot milk is easy to hurt the stomach.
Dishes for patients after endoscopy should be made from foods that help limit and neutralize gastric acid as well as need to be carefully processed, soft and diluted such as porridge, soup, simmered and stewed dishes. .
Do not let the patient eat too much at one time, instead can divide 3 main meals into small meals, several times a day to use, each meal is spaced at least 3-4 hours apart.

Patients should only eat foods that are soft, liquid, and easy to digest
Patients should only eat foods that are soft, liquid, and easy to digest

4. What foods should be avoided after gastroscopy?

Besides the foods that should be eaten to be good for the stomach after colonoscopy, there are also foods that will make the digestive system hurt, especially for those who have just gone to the colonoscopy examination, need to pay attention. attention to this issue. In order for the stomach to quickly recover and be healthy, the patient should avoid eating the following foods:
Sour foods with high acid content such as lemons, mangoes, grapefruits, .. or pickled dishes. fermented foods such as pickled cucumbers, salted eggplants... Some fruits cause indigestion such as apples, papayas.. Foods that contain a lot of fat, canned and frozen prepared foods such as sausages , sausages are also foods in the group that are harmful to the stomach, so they should not be used after the endoscopy. Do not eat sweets, drink carbonated drinks in the first days after surgery. soi. Stay away from stimulants such as alcohol, beer, tobacco, coffee. Because these irritants will destroy the stomach lining, causing stomach damage.

Patients should not drink alcohol
Patients should not drink alcohol

In addition to following a diet to help the stomach and colon quickly get healthy again, it is also necessary to pay attention to monitor the condition of your body. It is necessary to notify the doctor immediately if you see strange symptoms such as fever, cold and shivering, bleeding, abdominal pain, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, severe chest pain.. Besides, stay away from spicy foods. hot because they can cause damage to the mucosa.
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