What porridge should a sick child eat?

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Children with illness are very weak and often accompanied by anorexia. Therefore, to ensure the health of children and help the immune system better and recover quickly, parents need to provide adequate nutrition for their children. In particular, porridge is a nutritious dish to cool down as well as help the baby eat more deliciously. So what should sick children eat porridge?

1. Lotus seed porridge

What porridge should a sick child eat? Lotus seed porridge is one of the familiar folk remedies to help reduce fever, often trusted by many mothers in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as sore throat and cold in both children and adults. Besides, lotus seed chicken porridge also has an effective anti-inflammatory effect, helping to relieve colds, sputum and fever seeds very well. Moreover, lotus seeds have cool properties that work very well in clearing body heat for sick children.
Mom can cook lotus seed porridge with only half a chicken and 50 grams of lotus seeds cooked in a pot until the chicken is cooked, then take out the chicken. After that, filter the bones and shred the chicken into pieces, put it back in the pot and cook with rice until the rice is smooth and smooth, then turn off the heat. You can add scallions for flavor and help your child cool down faster.
Watch now: What is a delicious, nutritious porridge to cook?

2. Lean meat porridge with perilla

Perilla is known for many different effects, this is a kind of leaf that is warm and has the ability to reduce fever, eliminate phlegm, and treat cough, which is very suitable for young children. When cooking porridge with minced lean meat combined with perilla, it creates a nutritious, delicious and nutritious porridge for children without much time to prepare.
How to cook perilla lean meat porridge is very simple, you just need to grind the meat and stir-fry it, then put it in the stew pot with the porridge. When the porridge is cooked, the mother will scoop the porridge into the bowl and add the chopped perilla leaves to get the porridge to reduce the fever for the child.

3. Beef Potato Potato Porridge

Beef is an extremely nutritious food, a rich source of protein and iron for children. Besides, potatoes and carrots are vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the carrot potato beef porridge is both delicious and rich in nutrients and is very suitable for cooling and reducing fever for children.
For each serving of the child, the mother needs to prepare about 30 grams of minced beef, a small cup of white rice and 20 grams of carrots and mashed potatoes. Mom poured rice and water into the pot, and cooked it for like an hour. Then pour in the carrots and potatoes along with the beef and simmer for about 15-20 minutes. Mothers should note that sick children are often very lazy to eat and are afraid to swallow, so they need to be cooked well and soft so that the baby can eat more easily.
Watch now: What porridge should be cooked for sick people?

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4. Green bean porridge

What should a sick child eat? Green bean porridge is a porridge that mothers can add to their children's daily menu to change their appetite when eating a lot of meat can cause boredom. Green beans have the ability to produce immune antibodies, help reduce fever and effectively fight inflammation. Besides, there are many amino acids that are good for the stomach, sensitive digestive system of children when they are sick.
Green bean porridge is simple to cook but delicious, you need to prepare white rice and green beans, you can choose peeled or unpeeled green beans. Before cooking, mothers should soak rice and green beans for 20-30 minutes to cook quickly and have a delicious, puree for children. After boiling, Mom continued to simmer the two ingredients of beans and rice together. In addition, the mother can add a little white sugar to make the child eat more delicious. However, only a little sugar should be added to avoid affecting the child's body temperature.
In short, when a child is sick, he or she will become anorexic and porridge is a suitable, easy-to-eat nutritious food full of essential nutrients to help children reduce fever quickly and recover faster. Parents can refer to many different porridge dishes to change their taste to help their children eat more deliciously.
In addition, parents also need to pay attention to supplement the necessary micronutrients during this period such as: Selenium, Chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... Especially biological zinc to improve taste, help children eat well, achieve the right height and weight, and exceed the standard, good immune system, enhance resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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