Uses of Biolac Fort

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What is Biolac Fort? Biolac Fort belongs to the group of functional foods and is made in the form of hard tablets. Biolac Fort has the main ingredients lactocacillus acidophilus, Bacillus clausii, L-Lysine indicated in the case of probiotic supplementation for the intestinal tract. However, before using Biolac Fort, patients need to carefully learn the information of the drug and follow the instructions of the doctor.

1. What is Biolac Fort?

Lactobacillus acidophilus in Biolac Fort belongs to the group of gram-positive bacteria, capable of fermenting sugars into lactic acid and growing easily at low pH. When this ingredient enters the intestine and attaches to the intestinal wall, it develops against pathogenic bacteria through the following mechanisms: competing for a place with pathogenic bacteria, changing intestinal pH, secreting substances with antimicrobial properties. bacteria and antibiotics, anti-enterotoxin effect, stimulates the body's immune system. Thereby helping to balance the intestinal microflora. The composition of bacillus clausii is an aerobic bacterium capable of spore forming and quite stable in the acidic environment of gastric juice. So it can safely pass through the stomach. When using Biolac Fort containing this ingredient, it will provide additional nutrients and create beneficial bacteria for the digestive system.

2. What does Biolac Fort do?

Biolac Fort is indicated for use in supportive treatment in cases of malnourished children, anorexia children, children with growth retardation, or other problems related to digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating. stomach, indigestion ...
However, Biolac Fort may be contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the drug's ingredients.

3. Dosage and how to use Biolac Fort

Biolac Fort is used for both adults and children. However, each object will have different uses and ways of using it.
Dosage of Biolac Fort for children depends on the age of the child:
Children from 2 to 6 years old use Biolac Fort with a dose of 2 to 3 tablets per day. Children over 6 years old use Biolac Fort with a dose of 3 to 4 tablets / day. Children under 2 years old should use Biolac Fort with a dose of 1 to 2 tablets / day. Adults use Biolac Fort with a dose of 2 to 3 tablets / day.
Biolac Fort can be used with oral products such as milk... can bring better use effect for children. Biolac Fort should be taken before or after meals. Because the effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the meal, it can be used directly or mixed with water and used in the meal. However, Biolac Fort should not be used with drinks that are too cold, or too hot, or that contain stimulants. Because it may reduce the effectiveness of the drug's beneficial bacteria.
Note: The above recommended therapeutic dose for Biolac Fort is for reference only. Therefore, before using Biolac Fort, patients need to be prescribed by a doctor.
If a patient using Biolac Fort forgets to take a dose, use the missed dose as soon as he remembers. However, if the interval between the missed dose of Biolac Fort and the next dose is too close, skip the missed dose. Patients should not use a double dose of Biolac Fort, because it can cause an overdose. To overcome the missed dose of Biolac Fort, patients can set an alarm or ask family members to remind them.
In case the patient accidentally uses Biolac Fort drug in excess of the prescribed amount and shows some unwanted signs, it is necessary to take the patient to see a doctor immediately.

4. Unexpected side effects and some notes when using Biolac Fort

Biolac Fort drug has not been recorded side effects of the drug during use. However, the side effects of the drug can still occur in special cases. Therefore, if there are abnormal signs during the use of Biolac Fort, you should immediately notify your doctor for prompt medical assistance.
There are currently no reports of Biolac Fort drug interactions with other drugs during use. However, to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment, the patient should provide the doctor with a list of drugs including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, herbs, or dietary supplements for the doctor to choose from. Choose the right treatment for you.
Although there are no studies on the effects of Biolac Fort on pregnant and lactating women. However, to be sure of the benefits and risks that these two subjects may encounter, it is necessary to thoroughly study Biolac Fort before using it.

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