What medicine to take for muscle pain?

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There are many causes of hand muscle pain, one of the most common causes is excessive hand muscle movement that causes pain. Hand muscle pain will interfere with work and also make it difficult to live. At that time, some drugs can be used when hand muscle pain greatly affects the ability to function.

1. Causes of hand muscle pain

Hand muscle pain can be caused by many reasons, including:
Exercise or carry heavy loads: People who are new to sports but practice a lot and vigorously will make the muscles have to strengthen their movements. If the body moves suddenly, the body does not provide enough oxygen, anaerobic metabolism will take place. Substances produced by this process are the cause of muscle pain. Similarly in people who work too much fatigue also causes the same condition. Manifestations are muscle pain, muscle fatigue and previous excessive exercise. Sleeping in the wrong position: Because sleeping can put pressure on the arm, causing blood circulation in the arm to decrease, not enough nourishment for the skeletal muscles of the hand, causing pain. Maybe after sleeping you can not lift your arm, uncomfortable pain, accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the hand. Some diseases can be the cause of hand muscle pain such as: Cervical spine disease: Causes pain with aching symptoms in the shoulder area, body pain spreading down the arm, hand, may be accompanied by sensations. numb. Periarthritis of the shoulder: Inflammation of the soft tissues around the joint causes pain in the muscles around the shoulder joint and limited movement of the shoulder joint. Patients often have pain and difficulty in movement in the early stages, the later stages are usually less painful but have limited joint mobility and stiffness in the shoulder. Wrist arthritis: This is a cause of pain in the wrist and hand muscles. The disease progresses in stages, the first stage is often swollen and painful at the joint position, pain increases when moving the joints; In later stages, patients often feel pain more often, limited joint movement, and wrist activity is more difficult. Due to stress: When the body is stressed, tired, the activity of the circulatory system decreases, so the blood circulation and oxygen exchange for the cells in the body decreases, which also causes pain in the biceps and aching muscles. different on the body. Hand muscle pain due to electrolyte disorders: Some people often experience cramps that cause hand muscle pain, which can be caused by potassium deficiency, calcium deficiency or other electrolyte disturbances. If you have frequent cramps that are not caused by excessive exercise, spontaneously occur, you should visit medical facilities to know the cause and treatment.

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2. What medicine to take for muscle pain?

Depending on the cause to choose the appropriate treatment. To relieve pain caused by excessive muscle tension, some diseases such as cervical spine disease, shoulder periarthritis, wrist arthritis, ... can be used some of the following drugs:
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) : A common pain reliever, commonly used to relieve mild to moderate pain. The drug is used at a dose of 10-15mg/kg body weight and given at least 4 to 6 hours apart if pain persists. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): In addition to reducing pain, drugs also have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The drug works to cut off the production of inflammatory substances, so it has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. This group of drugs is effective in reducing pain in moderate pain and in some cases severe pain. However, this drug has many side effects such as effects on the gastrointestinal tract causing stomach ulcers, increased risk of stroke, etc. So when using it, it should be prescribed by a doctor. use. Some commonly used drugs in this group include ibuprofen, diclofenac, mobic, celecoxib,... Corticosteroids: This is a group of steroid anti-inflammatory drugs with strong pain-relieving effects. Used in cases of severe pain and unresponsive to previous analgesics. If used correctly, in the right dose and without abuse, the drug brings high efficiency, avoiding unwanted effects. However, if used incorrectly, it will cause many side effects such as abdominal pain, hair growth, osteoporosis, adrenal insufficiency, and weakened immune system. Therefore, this medicine needs to be taken according to the dose and method prescribed by the doctor. In addition to drug measures, you should combine with other measures below to solve hand muscle pain such as:
Rest, avoid excessive hand muscle movement to increase pain. In cases of acute pain, such as due to excessive exercise or during acute inflammatory episodes, a cool compress can be applied. Apply a cool compress by wrapping a few ice cubes in a towel and then applying it to the painful area, do not put the ice directly on the hand muscle. In case of chronic pain, long-term pain can be warmed with roasted wormwood, roasted salt and then applied to the painful area. Topical use: Some pain relievers or patches have the active ingredient methyl salicylate as the pain reliever. Can be used to rub directly on the painful area about 2-3 times a day. However, do not abuse the massage too much a day or last more than 5 days.

3. How to prevent hand muscle pain

Pain relief treatments only provide temporary relief of symptoms. So, to be able to limit recurrence, you should take some measures to prevent disease, including:
Regular and moderate exercise will help strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve muscle tone. . You can practice some subjects such as swimming, walking, yoga, etc. Warming up well before exercise is a way to prevent muscle pain when starting bodybuilding. It is recommended to perform a few gentle warm-up movements before exercise so that the muscles get used to the intensity of the exercise, avoiding the lack of oxygen supply to the hand muscles, causing muscle pain. Stress and anxiety should be controlled because it increases pain levels. Fully supplement foods containing B vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium,... in the diet. If the pain persists and the measures used do not work, you should go to the musculoskeletal facilities to be examined and treated with the correct regimen. Before using medicine to relieve hand muscle pain, you can use physical or herbal remedies first. If there is no improvement, you should go to medical facilities for examination, diagnosis and proper medication. Avoid abuse and misuse causing many dangerous complications.
Reference articles: benhvienthucuc.vn, bvthanhpho.ytethanhhoa.gov.vn, syt.bacgiang.gov.vn
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