What kind of calcium and iron should be used after giving birth to be good for mother and baby?

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Hello doctor! The doctor asked me what kind of calcium and iron should I use after giving birth to be good for mother and baby, because there are many types on the market? Moreover, are those bought at the drugstore safe? Because it's a bit far from my house to the hospital. I would like to thank the doctor.
Orchid (1987)

Trắc nghiệm: Bổ sung canxi sau sinh cho sản phụ như thế nào?

Bổ sung canxi sau sinh cho sản phụ là việc làm vô cùng cần thiết, đặc biệt với những người nuôi con bằng sữa mẹ hoàn toàn. Trường hợp mẹ sau sinh không bổ sung canxi hoặc bổ sung không đúng cách sẽ ảnh hưởng rất nhiều đến sức khỏe của mẹ và sự phát triển toàn diện của bé. Bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây sẽ giúp mọi người hiểu hơn về tầm quan trọng của việc bổ sung canxi sau sinh cho sản phụ và bổ sung thế nào cho đúng cách, an toàn.

Hi there! During breastfeeding, calcium and iron requirements are higher than normal. You can supplement calcium and iron from your daily diet or the market for iron and calcium supplements for pregnant and lactating women.
Iron-rich foods include: poultry, fish and lean red meat. At the same time, iron can also be obtained from grains such as beans, peas, almonds, sunflower,... and some vegetables, such as spinach, kale, broccoli...
Products Milk is the easiest source of calcium to absorb. But you can also get calcium from non-dairy foods like kale, sardines, and broccoli. Additionally, there are calcium-fortified juices and cereals.
In addition to calcium and iron, you also need to add essential nutrients that the body cannot synthesize such as folic acid, omega 3 (DHA, EPA), Iodine, vitamin D. The combination has adequate and balanced nutrients for these groups of nutrients. You can buy it on the market like Elevit, Prenatal, PM Procare, Blackmores, Obimin, Pregnacare,... at reputable drugstores.
You should also use the drug until the end of breastfeeding to ensure the highest composition and nutritional content in breast milk, helping your baby develop the best.
Thank you for trusting and sharing the question "What calcium and iron should I use after giving birth to be good for mother and baby?" to Vinmec Health System. Wish your family good health.

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Answered by Master, Doctor Dinh Thanh Ha - Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Nha Trang International Hospital
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