What is the SPO2 index in a normal person?

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SpO2 index is important for human health. This is one of the body's vital signs, besides the other 4 signs are pulse, temperature, breathing rate and blood pressure.

1. What is SpO2?

SpO2 stands for the phrase Saturation of peripheral oxygen - the saturation of oxygen in the peripheral blood. In other words, SpO2 is the ratio of oxidized hemoglobin (hemoglobin that contains oxygen) to the total amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that determines the red color of red blood cells.
SpO2 can be measured with pulse oximetry - an indirect, non-invasive method (no devices inserted into the body). It works by emitting and absorbing itself a light wave that passes through blood vessels or capillaries in the fingertips, toes, or earlobes. The variation of light waves passing through a finger, toe, or earlobe will indicate an SpO2 measurement because the level of oxygen saturation causes variations in the color of the blood.

Chỉ số SpO2 được đo ở đầu ngón tay
Chỉ số SpO2 được đo ở đầu ngón tay

2. What is the SpO2 index in a normal person?

SpO2 index value is expressed as 1%. If the oximeter shows 97%, then each red blood cell is made up of 97% oxygenated and 3% unoxidized hemoglobin. The normal SpO2 value will fluctuate between 95 - 100%.
A good blood oxygenation index is essential because it provides enough energy for the muscles to work. If the SpO2 value drops below 95%, this is a warning sign of poor blood oxygenation, also known as hypoxic blood condition. Studies prove that an SpO2 of 94% or higher is a normal, safe indicator.
Standard SpO2 index scale
SpO2 from 97 - 99%: Good blood oxygen index; SpO2 from 94 - 96%: Average blood oxygen index, need to breathe more oxygen; SpO2 from 90% - 93%: Low blood oxygen index, need to consult the host doctor; SpO2 less than 92% without oxygen or less than 95% with oxygen: Signs of very severe respiratory failure; SpO2 less than 90%: Manifestation of a clinical emergency. SpO2 index in infants
In infants, the SpO2 index is as safe as that of adults, which is above 94%. If the child's SpO2 index falls below 90%, it is necessary to notify the doctor for timely intervention support.

3. Factors affecting the accuracy of SpO2 . meter

In fact, the measured SpO2 will not be completely accurate but will be affected by a number of factors such as:
The error of the measuring device (usually ± 2%); Abnormal hemoglobin; The patient moves during measurement; Tissue hypoperfusion due to shock, use of vasopressors, or severe hypothermia; Light interference in the room when measuring; Color of fingernails and toenails (if using a SpO2 measuring device by clamping the tip of a finger or toe); Therefore, before taking measurements, it is necessary to carefully review How to use the SpO2 measuring device.

4. Symptoms of a decrease in SpO2

A decrease in the SpO2 index (also known as hypoxia in the blood) causes some of the following symptoms:
Changes in the color of the skin; Memory impairment, or confusion; Cough; Tachycardia, slow heart rate; Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, wheezing. >> See more: What does a low SpO2 indicator indicate? - The article was consulted professionally with Doctor Tran Thi Diem Trang - Respiratory Internal Medicine Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Khó thở, thở nhanh, thở khò khè là những triệu chứng của tình trạng giảm chỉ số SpO2
Khó thở, thở nhanh, thở khò khè là những triệu chứng của tình trạng giảm chỉ số SpO2

When the body does not have enough oxygen, causing hypoxemia (lowering SpO2) is a very dangerous condition. The reason is because if the blood lacks oxygen, the brain, liver and many other organs in the body will be negatively affected. Therefore, monitoring the SpO2 index regularly plays an important role in understanding the amount of oxygen in the blood, having a plan to promptly deal with dangerous situations. If you need remote medical support, you can register for medical examination online or contact Vinmec directly.

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