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Video content is professionally consulted by Dr., BS. Nguyen Van Dinh, Head of Respiratory - Asthma - Clinical Allergy and Immunology Unit, Vinmec Times City International General HospitalRhinitis and allergic rhinitis are both diseases related to the upper respiratory tract, these are two diseases that are easy to confuse.
Allergic rhinitis is a reaction of the body's immune system in response to specific substances called allergens. According to the American Association of Allergy and Immunology (AAAI), 10% - 30% of the world's population has manifestations of allergic rhinitis. The disease often appears symptoms such as: sneezing, clear runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy nose, cough, feeling of phlegm in the throat, itchy eyes, watery eyes. In addition, the patient may appear symptoms of atopy such as: dry skin, itchy skin... Symptoms of allergic rhinitis may appear seasonally or year-round.
To diagnose allergic rhinitis, doctors may order a blood test to quantify some immune factors in the patient's blood. The cause and mechanism of the disease can be caused by rhinitis caused by bacteria (bacteria, viruses...).
Patients with rhinitis are usually those with a history of allergic rhinitis caused by bacterial infections and spread through the respiratory tract. The cause of rhinitis can be bacterial, viral, or common non-bacterial rhinitis such as vasomotor rhinitis (due to an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems).
Symptoms of common rhinitis patients may experience include: Not suddenly, sneezing less but a lot of stuffy nose, runny nose in the form of thick mucus or pus. The patient is tired, exhausted, may have fever and fear of cold.
Above are guidelines to distinguish rhinitis and allergic rhinitis. When noticing symptoms and suspecting rhinitis or allergic rhinitis, patients should see a specialist for early diagnosis and treatment.
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