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Reamberin medicine 400ml has the main ingredient containing meglumine sodium succinate (N-methyl glucamine succinate). Currently, this drug is used to combat hypoxemia and detoxify in cases of poisoning due to different causes.
1. Information about the drug Reamberin 400ml
Reamberin 400ml is a drug prepared in the form of a 1.5% infusion solution.
Packing: 500ml bottle, including 400ml clear, colorless solution. Each bottle is packed in a carton box, along with 1 instruction sheet.
Ingredients of the drug Reamberin 400ml
Sodium Chloride content: 2400mg; Potassium chloride content: 120mg; Magnesium chloride content: 48mg; Sodium hydroxide content: 710mg; Distilled water for injection: 400ml; Sodium succinate. 2. Uses of Reamberin 400ml 2.1 Uses of Reamberin Reamberin 400ml works to activate enzymes in the body that participate in the Krebs cycle of cells. Thereby improving the efficiency of using Glucose and fatty acids, helping to balance acid-base balance and gaseous components in the blood, thereby detoxifying, combating the decline of free radicals, anti-oxidation and restoring blood sugar. restore cellular functions. In addition, Reamberin 400ml also has a diuretic effect (mild).
2.2 Indications of the drug Reamberin 400ml Currently, the drug Reamberin 400ml is indicated for treatment in the following cases:
People with reduced oxygen in the blood; People with diseases that cause inflammation, which affect the aerobic processes in the cells and reduce the production of free radicals. People with acute poisoning due to causes such as: Abuse of alcohol, inhalation of toxic gases, food poisoning ...
3. Contraindications of Reamberin 400ml
Reamberin 400ml is contraindicated in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; People with kidney dysfunction due to diuretics; People with traumatic brain injury, brain edema; Pregnant women and children under 1 year old. 4. Dosage and how to use Reamberin 400ml How to use:
Reamberin 400ml is used intravenously. Dosage
For adults: Reamberin 400ml is infused intravenously, drip at a rate not exceeding 90 drops/minute. The daily dose ranges from 400 to 800 ml. The infusion rate and dose will be based on the specific condition of the patient. For children over 1 year old: Infusion of Reamberin 400ml intravenously, drip, rate about 3-4 ml/min. With a dose of 6 - 10 ml/kg body weight/day (not more than 400 ml). To date, there have been no reported cases of overdose due to Reamberin. However, if this happens unfortunately, the patient should stop using the drug and immediately contact the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.
5. Side effects when using Reamberin 400ml In the process of using Reamberin 400ml, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Flare at the injection site, edema, phlebitis (rarely). Allergic. Rash or itching. Shortness of breath or dry cough. Have a fast heart rate or arrhythmia. Have low/high blood pressure, hot flashes or rash. Vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, bitter mouth or diarrhea. Dizziness, seizures, headache, tremor, irritability, paresthesia, or anxiety. In case of any side effects of Reamberin 400ml, it is necessary to reduce the infusion rate and notify the doctor immediately.
Above is all information about Reamberin 400ml, you need to read carefully the instructions for use, consult your doctor / pharmacist before use. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy drugs to treat at home because there may be unwanted side effects.
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