What is going out in the form of rice leaves?

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I am 18 years old this year, I am afraid that I will have colorectal cancer, I have looked at the signs of the disease, and I see that I have rice leaf-shaped stools, I have not been able to identify that type of stool, sir. , because when I have a normal bowel movement, but when I sprayed the faucet on the stool, after a while it appeared a thin layer of stool, at first I thought it was due to eating vegetables, so it appeared because it didn't digest all, but recently it keeps appearing. It shows up many times, please give me feedback, I'm afraid I don't know if it's a rice leaf stool?
C.T (2001)
Hello! Stool properties can reflect a number of pathologies, ranging from benign to malignant. However, to confirm the diagnosis of the disease, it is still necessary to perform some diagnostic procedures, especially colonoscopy. You can register for an examination at the Department of Gastroenterology of the Hospital for examination and advice, thereby giving the best treatment for you! Love.
Master, Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
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