What is craniopharyngioma and is it dangerous?

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Craniopharyngeal tumors often appear with abnormal neurological symptoms, vision... Many people worry about whether these skull tumors are as dangerous as cancer or not?

1. What is craniopharyngioma?

Craniopharyngeal tumors are tumors that develop near the pituitary gland and are often close to the skull. This tumor is usually solid and is made up of patches of calcium and fluid, sometimes filled with fluid.
Theoretically, craniopharyngioma is a fairly rare benign tumor of the brain. However, because the tumor grows near the pituitary gland, it will affect the function of this organ, affecting many other parts because the pituitary gland is the place to produce hormones for activities.
Craniopharyngeal tumors are common in children (accounting for about 50%) and there is no gender difference (the incidence is similar between boys and girls). In particular, the disease is very common in children from 5 to 14 years old.

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Bệnh u sọ hầu thường gặp ở trẻ em

2. Is craniopharyngioma dangerous?

The answer depends on the location of the craniopharyngeal tumor. If the craniopharyngioma is located in a dangerous location (such as a large blood vessel) in the brain, doctors will not be able to remove it. This leads to repeated disease recurrence, seriously affecting the patient's health and quality of life.

3. Symptoms of craniopharyngioma

After learning what craniopharyngioma is, knowing the signs of the disease is necessary for early detection of the disease.
When in the early stages of the disease, the tumor has a rather slow growth. Most patients only develop symptoms when the tumor has grown after 1-2 years.
Depending on the location of the craniopharyngioma, the symptoms in different patients may vary. The most obvious and common commonality is headache, partial loss of vision...
In addition, the patient may appear other symptoms:
Frequent insomnia. There are unusual changes in behavior, attitude, and mood. Feeling nauseous and vomiting especially heavily at breakfast. Disturbance of the body's balance... In some cases, patients with large tumors may experience depression, memory loss, coma...

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Trầm cảm thường gặp ở bệnh nhân có khối u lớn

4. Summary of treatment for craniopharyngioma

With the development of modern medicine, there are now many ways to treat craniopharyngeal tumors, in which some of the following methods are popular.

4.1 Surgery

Doctors will try to remove the entire tumor when performing surgery. Depending on the location and size of the tumor, the doctor will have different surgical methods such as craniotomy, surgery through the sphenoid bone...
However, craniopharyngeal tumors often have similar structures. Because of the complexity, to ensure the quality of life of the patient, doctors will not be able to completely remove the tumor. At this time, the application of other treatment methods will be conducted, including radiotherapy - radiosurgery, chemotherapy...

4.2 Radiotherapy - radiosurgery

Usually used to treat craniopharyngioma after incomplete surgery. Doctors will use high-energy beams (such as Protons, X-rays)... to destroy the skull tumor.
The introduction of modern machinery system and advanced techniques such as IMRT, VMAT, proton radiation therapy, radiosurgery... have effectively supported the process of precise tumor treatment, while minimizing tumor reduction. minimal damage to the surrounding healthy tissue.

4.3 Chemotherapy

Using chemicals to act on the tumor. The commonly used chemicals are Paclitaxel, Carboplatin... which have been shown to prolong survival if combined with surgery and radiation therapy. Another strength of this method is that the drug will be injected directly into the tumor, so there is very little damage to the healthy tissue around the tumor...

Hóa trị là phương pháp điều trị u sọ hầu
Hóa trị là phương pháp điều trị u sọ hầu

4.4 Targeted treatment

Almost every case of craniopharyngeal papilloma has the presence of a BRAF gene mutation. Therefore, the treatment of craniopharyngioma selected at this time is targeted therapy with the basis of gene mutations.

5. Some tips to limit the progression of craniopharyngioma

After conducting treatment, usually, if the tumor is not completely removed, the disease recurrence is completely possible. Therefore, patients need to have periodic re-examination as prescribed by the doctor and MRI scan to clearly determine the tumor's status.
Along with that, it is necessary to maintain some of the following living habits to best control the disease:
Exercise regularly and regularly. Build a scientific and healthy diet. Stay optimistic, limit alcohol and stimulants... With the problems related to craniopharyngioma mentioned in the article, readers must have gained more general knowledge about this type of cancer. this disease. Basically, this is a benign disease with little danger but still needs to be detected and treated to ensure the patient's quality of life.
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