What is a good baby's poop?

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Newborns usually have a bowel movement several times a day. Therefore, knowing how well a baby's stool is will help parents understand the child's health status.

1. How good is the baby's stool?

During the first few days after birth, baby poop is quite special. The stool at this time is called meconium, which is black or greenish-black in color and has a sticky nature. This shows that the child's digestive system is working well. When the meconium runs out, the baby's poop will turn yellow-green. When an infant's stool has 3 colors of stools: red, black and gray-white, parents should take the child to see a doctor.
With exclusively breastfed babies, their stools will have a slightly loose, yellow or greenish texture, with speckled white particles mixed in the stool. Until your baby is eating solid foods, the texture of his stools may change (more solid). If your baby is formula-fed, his stools are usually yellow-brown. Formula-fed babies also defecate 1-2 times less than breastfed babies, and their stools are thicker and stronger.
Whether the baby is breastfed or bottle-fed, if there are signs of hard and dry stools, it shows that the child is not getting enough water or is dehydrated due to fever, illness,... When giving solid foods to a baby, hard stools can also be a sign Signs that your baby is eating too many constipating foods (cereals or cow's milk) before the digestive system is mature enough to handle them (whole cow's milk is only used for older children 12 months and older).

2. Baby's bowel movements

The frequency of bowel movements varies from child to child. Some children defecate immediately after being fed. This is a reflex of the stomach, prompting the digestive system to work whenever the stomach is full. The number of bowel movements may decrease as the child eats more and gets older in the future.
From 3 to 6 weeks old, some breastfed babies only have a bowel movement once a week and it's still normal. This is because breast milk removes very little solid waste from the baby's digestive system. Therefore, this condition is not considered constipated if the child's stools are still soft and the child is gaining weight steadily and is normally healthy.
With formula-fed babies, babies usually have more than 1 bowel movement/day. If the child has less frequent bowel movements or has to strain to have a bowel movement, parents should take the child to see a doctor for advice.

3. Some important notes about children's poop

Occasionally, a child's poop can vary in color and texture. If digestion is slowed down by foods that take a long time to digest, stools may turn green, or if children are given iron supplements, stools may turn dark brown. If there is a little irritation in the anus, a streak of blood may appear on the outside of the baby's stool. However, if the stools of a 10-month-old baby or a child of any age are bloody, mucusy or watery, parents should take the baby to the doctor immediately;

Phân của trẻ em đôi khi có thể bị thay đổi về màu sắc hoặc tính chất
Phân của trẻ em đôi khi có thể bị thay đổi về màu sắc hoặc tính chất
Children's stools are soft and slightly loose, making it quite difficult for parents to judge if a child has mild diarrhea. The warning signs of children with diarrhea are: Sudden increase in frequency of bowel movements (more than 1 defecation per meal), abnormally high water content in stools. Diarrhea can be caused by a change in a child's diet or a sign of an intestinal infection. If a child has diarrhea with a fever, parents should take the child to the doctor immediately. If the child is over 2 months old, has diarrhea and fever lasting more than 1 day, parents should check the urine volume and temperature in the baby's rectum and then consult a doctor.
Parents should pay attention to regularly check the child's stools, body temperature, skin manifestations, ... to early detect abnormal expressions of their children and take them to the doctor promptly. Parents should supplement their children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
To have more knowledge on raising healthy children, parents should actively update the information Useful medical information on the Vinmec.com website and immediately contact the doctors and experts at Vinmec when you need support.
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