How are bowel disorders treated?

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Bowel disorder is a term used to refer to changes in defecation activity in terms of time, number of bowel movements or stool properties... The cause of the above abnormalities is due to an improper diet. reasonable or due to the influence of diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract.

1. What is a bowel disorder?

Defecation disorder is a condition that affects the function and absorption of food of the digestive system. This phenomenon causes unusual symptoms that make the patient feel uncomfortable such as: changing the time of defecation, increasing the number of bowel movements (in case of diarrhea) or decreasing (in case of constipation), or I want to go to the bathroom but I can't. Accompanied by other symptoms that may be encountered such as:
Loose stools, broken stools, black stools... Stools with mucus or blood, foam Pain and discomfort in the abdomen Abdominal, indigestion, nausea and vomiting Most of the cases, defecation disorders occur due to improper diet. Or the patient eats contaminated, rancid food, or eats raw food that causes infection, parasitic infection... A few people have bowel disorders due to the influence of diseases in the digestive tract. .

2. What are the symptoms of bowel disorders?

Mainly bowel disorders are common in some common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, defecation disorders accompanied by symptoms such as fever, vomiting, bloody stools, black stools, ... can be manifestations of acute diseases such as:
Stomach bleeding: This is a common complication of peptic ulcer disease. Most cases of illness are caused by alcoholism or taking a lot of pain relievers. The disease causes massive bleeding, causing the patient to vomit blood or the blood remains mixed in the stool to come out, making the stool black. If the patient does not receive emergency treatment to stop bleeding in time, the patient with stomach bleeding can be life-threatening.

Rối loạn đại tiện là triệu chứng của bệnh xuất huyết dạ dày
Rối loạn đại tiện là triệu chứng của bệnh xuất huyết dạ dày

Inflammatory bowel disease: Symptoms of bowel disorders can appear in both acute and chronic stages of inflammatory bowel disease. The disease occurs when there is inflammation in the large intestine causing abdominal pain in the left or right iliac fossa, pain along the colonic frame. Patients also have persistent diarrhea or constipation, may or may not have fever, eat poorly, lose blood and lack nutrients, leading to fatigue and severe weakness. Colitis that develops over many years can be very cancerous.
Colon polyp: A benign tumor that develops in the lumen of the large intestine often found during colonoscopy. Patients may have one or more polyps at the same time. The disease does not cause any specific symptoms until the polyps grow larger and cause abdominal pain, bloody stools, diarrhea or constipation lasting more than a week. Colon has a high risk of colon cancer, so patients are advised to remove polyps as soon as they are discovered.
Colon cancer: The appearance of a malignant tumor in the last part of the large intestine. The disease occurs mainly in men between the ages of 30 and 60 years. Most cases of this disease are detected and treated at a rather late stage. Therefore, patients need to take special precautions when there are manifestations of bowel disorders, abdominal cramps or palpable abdominal masses.
Celiac Disease: Celiac disease occurs in patients who are sensitive or allergic to gluten. This is a special form of protein found in grains such as oats, wheat, barley... When the patient eats these foods, the immune system will respond by attacking the inner lining. small intestine and causes abnormal bowel movements.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): It is estimated that IBS affects 11% of the world's population. Although it does not cause any inflammatory lesions or changes in intestinal tissue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) often causes abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract that affect the patient's life.

3. How to treat bowel disorders?

Signs of bowel disorders can appear singly, but can also appear with many symptoms at the same time. Importantly, these symptoms are easily confused with other conditions. Therefore, when there are first symptoms of a bowel disorder, most of us are subjective, ignore it without proper attention and do not have timely measures to cure bowel disorders, making progress. disease gets worse. Only when the abdominal pain becomes severe, the symptoms do not show signs of rapid relief that the patient begins to see a doctor.
When treating bowel disorders, it is not just taking medicine to get rid of it, but the cooperation of the patient in adjusting eating habits plays an important role. However, to keep your health under control is to quickly see a doctor when you notice symptoms of a bowel disorder. Usually, the doctor will prescribe the treatment of bowel disorders with antibiotics, digestive enzymes with appropriate doses based on the cause of the disease. In parallel with taking medicine and following the doctor's instructions, patients can apply measures to regulate bowel disorders naturally, support to heal quickly:
Build a diet suitable: At times when the digestive system is dysfunctional or functional, the most important thing is the diet. How to prepare food to ensure hygiene, just enough food, not to eat too much, and the composition of each meal must have enough 4 food groups, especially fiber from fruits and vegetables Green Add yogurt to the menu to improve the health of the digestive tract Increase movement: Physical activities have the effect of increasing the contraction of the intestines, helping to eat better and increase the ability to digest and absorb Very efficient food collection. From there, defecation will be easier and more regular. Supplement with vitamin C and foods rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, etc. to strengthen the body's resistance. Drink enough 1.5 to 2 liters of water. everyday.

Uống đầy đủ nước mỗi ngày giảm rối loạn đại tiện
Uống đầy đủ nước mỗi ngày giảm rối loạn đại tiện

Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital deploys gastrointestinal endoscopy to accurately diagnose digestive disorders or bowel disorders at all ages.
Vinmec International General Hospital is equipped with synchronous medical equipment such as the most modern flexible endoscopic system of Olympus Japan - the world's leading quality manufacturer. Along with that, the wire system and tools used during endoscopy are treated with absolute sterility according to international standards to avoid the risk of infection. The foot pedal irrigation system helps the doctor to take the initiative in irrigating the patient's gastrointestinal tract.
Gastrointestinal endoscopy helps to accurately diagnose the patient's digestive diseases, help give the right treatment plan, intervene in time, limit the complications caused by digestive disorders or bowel disorders. .
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