What happens when you have a nervous breakdown?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Bui Ngoc Phuong Hoa - General Internal Medicine - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital
Nervous breakdown is considered the heart disease of modern society and is the leading cause of distraction in many people. If not detected and treated promptly, it will leave serious consequences both physically and mentally for the patient.

1. What is a nervous breakdown?

Nervous breakdown is also known as nervous exhaustion. This is a dysfunction of the cerebral cortex and some subcortical centers because brain cells have to work too hard, leading to overload and depression, seriously affecting the recovery and regeneration process. build all organs in the body.
Nervous breakdown is a mental illness, but if not treated early, it will have serious consequences both physically and mentally.

Trắc nghiệm: Bận rộn có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của bạn không?

Cuộc sống hiện đại khiến chúng ta vì quá bận rộn mà quên chăm sóc sức khỏe cho chính mình. Ai cũng biết rằng lịch trình làm việc cả ngày có thể khiến bạn kiệt sức, nhưng cụ thể bận rộn ảnh hưởng thế nào tới sức khỏe? Hãy cùng làm thử bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây.

2. Symptoms of neurasthenia

You can use the symptoms listed below to determine if you have a nervous breakdown. Common signs and symptoms of a nervous breakdown include:
2.1 Mood swings People with a nervous breakdown often experience unstable mood swings, such as being easily angered, ie. anger accompanied by feelings of repentance, guilt, crying easily, being emotional, and sometimes absolute silence.
2.2 Isolating Yourself People with a nervous breakdown tend to alienate themselves from others and prefer to be alone. When stress is at its peak, it's easy for them to isolate themselves and devote all their energy to dealing with stress.
2.3 Sensory disorders Sensory disorders often appear with symptoms such as: dizziness, dizziness, numbness, depression, sadness. These symptoms often occur and vary according to psychological state because people with neurasthenia are very sensitive and susceptible to suggestions.
2.4 Sleep Disorders Sleep disturbance is one of the most common symptoms of a nervous breakdown. When you have this disease, you may have insomnia or wake up many times during the night, sleeping too little or too much than usual.
2.5 Excessive anxiety Nervous breakdown makes the patient often feel anxious and easily generate negative emotions or thoughts, always seeing the problems that occur as serious and deadlocked, unable to be solved. decide.
2.6 Increased heart rate S lethargy occurs when the patient feels excessive stress, this causes the heart to beat faster, the throat to constrict, and there is a feeling of constriction in the chest.
2.7 Symptoms on the body and nerves People with nervous breakdown often feel neck pain, low back pain, spine pain, dizziness, dizziness, muscle aches and discomfort in the skin. such as: pins and needles, ants crawling, erratic heat and cold, tremors of limbs, tongue, emotional disturbances, ..

Suy nhược thần kinh gây ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng cuộc sống của người bệnh
Suy nhược thần kinh gây ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng cuộc sống của người bệnh

3. Causes of nervous breakdown

The most common cause of nervous breakdown stems from traumatic mental factors affecting the patient. These factors can be more or less, but they often occur adjacent to each other or in combination, and in the long run can become difficult to treat.
Excessive stress leads to disturbances in nerve activities and causes nervous breakdown. This disease is mostly caused by external factors, which can also come from excessive physical fatigue or mental stress. The disease will appear gradually after a period of psychological trauma and become more and more obvious when there are motivating factors. These factors include: weak nerves, too tired life, stressful mental work, living and working environment with many stimulating factors, noise, chronic inflammatory diseases such as ulcers. gastritis, sinusitis, cholecystitis, heavy drinkers, malnutrition, long-term insomnia or exhaustion.

4. Subjects often suffer from nervous breakdown

Depression occurs at almost any age and regardless of gender. If the disease is not treated early, the patient can face potential health risks. Subjects are susceptible to neurasthenia, including:
People who are often stressed or depressed Alcoholism Smoke a lot People who work in a complex, noisy environment.

5. Is nervous breakdown dangerous?

Nervous breakdown does not directly affect life, but it often causes disorders in the body and reduces the quality of life of sufferers. If this disease is not treated in time, it will seriously affect both physical and mental health of the patient.
Depression and neurasthenia are two diseases that are closely linked. Studies have shown that the leading cause of depression is nervous breakdown. Depression often manifests as depression, sadness, poor appetite, trouble sleeping, no interest in work and everything around, inferiority complex and long-term moodiness. Depression can also lead to cognitive and memory disturbances, and inhibited or stimulated increased movement. Over a long period of time, depression will get worse and worse, leading to a decrease in quality of life, limited ability to work and daily activities, other medical conditions will also get worse. The worst part of depression is having suicidal thoughts to free yourself.

Trầm cảm và suy nhược thần kinh là hai chứng bệnh có mối liên kết chặt chẽ với nhau
Trầm cảm và suy nhược thần kinh là hai chứng bệnh có mối liên kết chặt chẽ với nhau

6. Repel neurasthenia

Nervous breakdown often stems from an unhealthy lifestyle, including: living with excessive stress and pressure that cannot be relieved, regularly using stimulants or addictive substances such as: alcohol, coffee, tobacco; often getting angry, arguing or fighting with people around; a high-fat diet, often using fast food; irregular rest mode.
The best advice for you and everyone to reverse a nervous breakdown is to change your daily living habits. You should make a plan for yourself to follow a more active and healthy lifestyle, helping your stressful emotions to be released. Healthy lifestyle ie:
Eat scientifically, enough nutrients combined with adequate rest to recharge after a long tiring day at work. Do not abuse alcohol or tobacco. Try to minimize or avoid clues that cause stress such as: family conflicts, workplace conflicts, .. by regularly sharing and confiding with friends and relatives about problems at work as well. like in the life you are having. This helps you to reduce fatigue and pent up emotions. If you are having health problems, you should see a doctor, follow the treatment process and should face it bravely instead of being afraid and hiding. This will only make the condition worse. Moreover, over time, it will lead to other disorders of the body such as neurasthenia, which reduces life expectancy. Relax your mind and improve your body with regular sports activities. You should spend about 30 minutes a day exercising. In particular, meditation, yoga or tai chi exercises are all very useful therapies for people who are often under stress. When you suspect that you have a nervous breakdown, you should not self-medicate to deal with the disease, but should see a doctor for advice on the best treatment method. Drugs such as tranquilizers or psychotropic drugs, if used in excess, can not only make the condition not improve, but also negatively affect the overall health of the patient. You should also not force yourself to achieve goals beyond your capabilities. This only makes you put pressure on yourself, leading to disappointment and sadness. Boredom when not meeting goals is a potential risk of leading to a nervous breakdown. Sometimes, you should be satisfied with what you have, let go of worries and live happily, you will find this life lighter and more peaceful. Modern social life has a lot of stress leading to a nervous breakdown that is very common today. To improve this phenomenon, we need to protect the body from the stress and anxiety in life, and at the same time, fully supplement the necessary nutrients to have a healthy brain.
Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is having the function of examining, consulting and outpatient treatment of psychological and mental health problems.
Article referenced source: mayoclinic.org
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