What fish is good for children to eat?

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Fish is a rich source of protein and essential vitamins. Parents can add fish to their child's weaning diet. However, because fish live in many different water sources, parents need to know how to choose good fish for their children to eat to ensure a safe supply for their children.

1. The role of fish in children's diets

Fish is one of the few foods that experts agree is safe for very young children's health from a very early age. All studies have shown that fish is a rich source of nutrients needed by the child's body, helping to prevent many diseases in later life.
Fish is rich in protein, a nutrient that the body needs to build strong muscles and bones, repair scratches encountered as children grow up. As such, children need to eat protein-rich foods for lunch and dinner, and fish can be a very healthy choice.
In addition to protein, fish is also rich in several essential vitamins and minerals. All types of fish are rich in selenium, iodine, and zinc. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the child's body from toxins and prevents cancer. Iodine is necessary for a healthy metabolism and zinc helps strengthen the immune system and fight coughs and colds.
In addition, oily fish (salmon, trout, mackerel, herring and sardines) are rich in vitamins A and D. Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin and eyes, while vitamin D is important in Helps the body absorb calcium needed for bone growth.
Furthermore, one of the most important nutrients found in oily fish is omega-3 fats. This is a special type of fat, as it cannot be made in the body and can only be obtained from the food we eat. Omega-3 fats are important for children because they play an essential role in the early development of the brain and nerves. In addition, there is some research that shows that eating fish early in life can help prevent allergic diseases such as asthma and eczema.

Cha mẹ cần biết cách lựa chọn trẻ em ăn cá gì tốt để đảm bảo nguồn cung cấp an toàn cho con
Cha mẹ cần biết cách lựa chọn trẻ em ăn cá gì tốt để đảm bảo nguồn cung cấp an toàn cho con

2. What kind of fish is good for children to eat?

Adding fish to your child's diet is a great way for them to absorb important nutrients. Most seafood (fish and shellfish such as crabs, scallops, oysters and mussels) can be selected to make delicious, safe and healthy meals for kids.
However, what is good for a baby to eat fish sometimes also makes many parents wonder. Because there are some types of fish that children can eat unlimitedly, while others should only be eaten in limited quantities to avoid exposure to high levels of mercury.
Fish living in lakes, rivers, oceans and other bodies of water containing industrial waste containing heavy metals can be contaminated with mercury. This naturally occurring metal is released into the air by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), solid waste, and by some factories. When it settles in water, bacteria change the mercury into a more dangerous form, methylmercury. Methylmercury can accumulate in fish, especially those that eat other fish and live longer, such as sharks and swordfish. Too much of this contaminated fish can be harmful to a child's developing nervous system.
Wide selection of healthy and kid-safe fish including:
Sea fish: For example light tuna is best for kids, 2-3 servings a week is recommended. Pale tuna means it is slightly pink in color, which includes species such as skipjack. These are considered a better choice than white tuna, although they are still considered a good choice but 1 serving per week is recommended. In addition, babies can be fed with a wider variety of better choices, including salmon, mackerel and herring, which are considered low in mercury and high in brain-boosting DHA. . Other types of seafood are also considered good choices for children, including shrimp, cod, catfish, crab, scallops, pollock, tilapia, pompano, perch, halibut, fish halibut, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, mussels, oysters and lobster. Besides choosing what fish is good for children to eat, what fish should not be eaten is also very important. According to recommendations, fish that are most likely to contain high levels of mercury such as shark, shark, swordfish, king mackerel or bigeye tuna, bluefin tuna should not be given to children.

Trẻ em ăn cá gì tốt là thắc mắc của nhiều cha mẹ
Trẻ em ăn cá gì tốt là thắc mắc của nhiều cha mẹ

3. What if the child refuses to eat fish?

Parents should feed their children fish at least once a week. It can be very time consuming at first for children to get used to the new tastes and textures of fish. As children get more used to the feel of fish in their mouths, they will begin to feel more comfortable eating it.
Here are some ways to help your child eat the recommended portion of fish:
Be patient: Start with a very small amount of fish, even a single bite-sized portion of a meal, which can be given to your child as soon as possible. just started and gradually increased. It usually takes about 6 weeks for a baby to eat a full serving. Let's start with white fish such as halibut and cod that are mildly flavored. As children get used to fish, parents can add new varieties of fish and start introducing richer, richer-tasting fish. Do not force children to eat fish: This often makes children more depressed. Instead, encourage your child to try even a small taste and let them eat more if they want. Modeling: Most children will imitate what they see their parents do. Accordingly, if children see their parents eating and enjoying fish in a delicious way, they will want to try it themselves. Teach children to eat fish as soon as possible: Accordingly, the question "what fish can a 9-month-old child eat" will no longer be a puzzle of mothers because fish is the ideal food for babies to eat weaning, but please pay attention. remove all bones, especially small and thin bones. Involving older children in cooking and preparing fish meals, many are willing to eat anything they make themselves. Try a variety of fish: Cod, tuna, salmon, mackerel, canned and fresh fish, steamed, grilled, or even occasionally deep-fried can all make delicious treats for kids . In summary, fish is an important source of nutrients present in daily meals. Parents need to teach their children to eat fish from an early age and know how to choose safe seafood. In case the child is anorexic and refuses all foods, parents need to be patient and add necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract. vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight, strengthen resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow children to use many types at the same time or continuously change the types of functional foods.
References: bordbia.ie, healthychildren.org
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