What does uterine immunoassay in IVF mean and how does it work?

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Video content is consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Chien - Reproductive Support Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

To conduct uterine immunoassay after embryo transfer, the preparation is quite simple, the embryo transfer cycle is usually performed on days 18-22 of the menstrual cycle.

Causes of embryo transfer failure may be due to:
Poor quality of embryos causing the first embryo transfer to fail; Abnormal uterine cavity is also the cause of embryo transfer failure ; Immune abnormalities in the uterine lining make the uterine lining not ready to receive embryos for implantation... is the cause of embryo transfer failure. At Vinmec, doctors will assign patients who have had good and failed embryo transfers after embryo transfer to do a uterine immunoassay to find the cause from an immune perspective.
To conduct uterine immunoassay after embryo transfer, the preparation is quite simple, the embryo transfer cycle is usually performed on days 18-22 of the menstrual cycle. This procedure is quite simple, so the patient will only feel a little discomfort, no preparation, no fasting, no anesthesia or anesthesia, can be done at the doctor's office when the health is stable. after the first failed embryo transfer. Except for difficult cases such as narrow cervix, thin mucosa, difficult to take biopsies, the procedure will be under anesthesia under the special guidance of a specialist. Results will be returned to the treating doctor after about 7-10 days.
The endometrial biopsy results after the first failed embryo transfer can be in 4 cases:
The uterine lining is normal from an immunological perspective; The uterine lining is missing or weak from an immunological point of view; The uterine lining is immune to excess; Endometrial lining is both redundant and deficient. Depending on the specific results of the patient, the doctor will discuss specifically and plan a treatment to support the next embryo transfer after the first embryo transfer failed.
The use of uterine test to evaluate immune factors involved in embryo implantation has been carried out at Vinmec since 2016, on many different patients. The results show that this is really a simple and effective method.
The group of consecutive implantation failures after embryo transfer is a very difficult group of patients anywhere in the world and in Vietnam. With the group of patients with consecutive implantation failures after embryo transfer after applying endometrial testing in combination with lab in France, the success rate was 50%. Vinmec is the only address in Vietnam that combines this immunoassay with a laboratory in France.

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