Home Tag Embryo transfer

Articles in Embryo transfer

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Does it have any problems when discharging brown fluid after embryo transfer?
From the 6th day to the 14th day after embryo transfer, I was discharged the dark fluid. Today, I have discharged the black fluid. I want to ask the doctor if, after embryo transfer, I have any problems when I have discharged brown fluid. Thank you, doctor.
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How to calculate gestational age for fresh embryo transfer and frozen embryo transfer?
Nowadays, the rate of infertility among couples is increasing, leading to the growing popularity of in vitro fertilization (IVF). So, what is the most accurate way to calculate gestational age after embryo transfer into the uterine cavity using IVF techniques?
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How long after an IVF embryo transfer can you hear a heartbeat?
After an IVF embryo transfer, monitoring is carried out similarly to a normal pregnancy. However, many patients wonder how long it takes after the transfer to detect a fetal heartbeat. To find the answer, please continue reading the article below.
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