What does the pre-pregnancy health care and counseling program at Vinmec include?

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The article is expertly consulted by Assoc.Prof.TS.BS Nguyen Viet Nhan - Genetic consultant, Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
Counseling and health care before pregnancy is very important and necessary, helping couples who are planning a pregnancy, parents who have been pregnant or gave birth to a child with birth defects, and parents. Mothers who have had events in previous pregnancies minimize the risk that may occur during pregnancy.

1. Importance of counseling and health care before pregnancy?

Based on WHO World Health Statistics released in 2017 on 194 member countries/territories, in Vietnam:
Infant mortality rate is 11.4/1000 births. Maternal mortality rate at birth is 54/100,000 births Currently, each year in Vietnam, there are about 54 deaths per 100,000 women during pregnancy and after birth due to cardiovascular, endocrine, infectious, eclampsia..., 41,000 babies are born each year with birth defects including genetic diseases. Vietnam ranks 80th out of 184 countries in infant mortality.
Counseling and health check-ups to prepare for pregnancy for couples who are planning a pregnancy, for parents who have been pregnant or have had children with birth defects or problems related to pregnancy. Chronic diseases, obstetric and gynecological diseases... are very important and necessary to minimize the risks that may occur in the next pregnancy.
Most Vietnamese women today are only concerned with their health and the baby after they are pregnant, while preparing for pregnancy is much more important. In Vietnam every year over 1,500,000 pregnant women, however, not everyone understands the meaning of pre-pregnancy screening test.

2. What does pre-pregnancy counseling & care at Vinmec include?

Pre-pregnancy health care and counseling program is a program implemented by Vinmec Times City International General Hospital to help couples have the best preparation for pregnancy.
The contents of this program at Vinmec include:

2.1. Genetic counseling before pregnancy

It is very necessary if there are people in your family with birth defects or genetic diseases. A Vinmec geneticist will assess your and your family's medical history, provide you and your family with the necessary information about your risk for future pregnancies, select screening tests, and diagnose necessary diagnosis so that you can be well prepared for pregnancy. Discuss with you preventive measures such as preimplantation testing (PGT) for embryo genomic assessment and the necessary and appropriate tests for your particular case.
Purpose: Pre-pregnancy genetic counseling will help identify risk factors, help clients and families make decisions, and prevent occurrence or re-emergence in the family.

Xét nghiệm di truyền trước khi mang thai là vô cùng cần thiết
Xét nghiệm di truyền trước khi mang thai là vô cùng cần thiết

2.2. Screening to detect healthy people carrying disease genes

If someone in your family has inherited diseases caused by genetic mutations, such as hemolytic anemia (thalassemia), pre-pregnancy screening gives you the opportunity and time to plan a suitable pregnancy right away. Even if you are at risk of having a baby with a genetic disease, with the professional and dedicated support of Vinmec's experts in genetics, gene technology, obstetrics, paediatrics and assisted reproductive technology.
Purpose: Couples at risk of carrying disease genes, before becoming pregnant, need to be screened to detect the possibility of carrying the gene. Although screening can be done at certain times during pregnancy, pre-pregnancy is the ideal time to be screened to find out whether you or your spouse are carriers of the gene.

2.3. Preparing for Assisted Reproductive Services

Many couples have to apply assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) ... to support pregnancy. This is a time-consuming and expensive method, so preparation before pregnancy is essential to ensure success and minimize risks that may occur during pregnancy. pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.
Purpose: Vinmec provides pre-pregnancy health care and counseling services for couples using assisted reproductive technology to increase the likelihood of a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby.

2.4. Guidelines for the use of drugs in pregnancy

Some drugs, if used or used in the wrong dosage during pregnancy, may affect the development of the fetus or may cause birth defects, miscarriage, premature birth ...
Purpose: Pre-pregnancy counseling will talk to you about medication use during pregnancy, ensuring that you use it appropriately before and during pregnancy.

2.5. Vaccination

Cần thảo luận với chuyên gia về các loại Vaccine cần tiêm trước khi mang thai
Cần thảo luận với chuyên gia về các loại Vaccine cần tiêm trước khi mang thai
Some infections acquired during pregnancy (such as rubella infection, chickenpox virus) can cause severe birth defects or can cause miscarriage (such as measles infection...) Prevention is possible if pregnant women are vaccinated before becoming pregnant because these vaccines are made from live viruses, so if you are already pregnant, you will not be able to get vaccinated again because it can affect the baby.
Purpose: Vinmec experts will discuss with you the vaccines that need to be vaccinated before pregnancy as well as the appropriate time of vaccination. Getting vaccinated before pregnancy will help you feel more secure and ready for the upcoming pregnancy. Vinmec has an international standard vaccination service ready to advise and serve you when required.

2.6. Take Vitamins and Folic Acid (vitamin B9)

Vinmec experts will discuss with you about the effectiveness of taking multivitamins, folic acid (vitamin B9) as well as the appropriate dose that you need to take during pregnancy to support your health and reduce Reduce the risk of having a baby with autism spectrum disorders and prevent neural tube defects, which are very common birth defects in unborn babies.

2.7. Advice on food use before and during pregnancy

You will be fully consulted on food safety issues, ensuring nutrition during pregnancy. If you are a vegetarian or suffer from a number of chronic diseases (such as diabetes), Vinmec's experts will support you in adjusting your diet and monitoring appropriately throughout your pregnancy.

2.8. Advice on prevention of exposure to harmful chemicals and dangerous physical agents

Exposure to polluted environment, tobacco, alcohol, addictive substances, X-rays (used in medical diagnosis), chemicals in cosmetics, pesticides, plastic utensils safe... can affect the development of the fetus, can cause birth defects, miscarriage, stillbirth...
Purpose: Through pre-pregnancy counseling, Vinmec's experts will warn and guide you how to recognize and avoid factors that can be dangerous for pregnancy.

2.9. Other health problems for you and your husband (wife)

Vinmec has a team of experts who are ready to provide a full range of support services if, through a medical examination and pre-pregnancy screening test, it is found that you and/or your husband (wife) have some problems. medical problems such as: vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), diabetes, cardiovascular diseases...
For advice on Counseling and health care programs before pregnancy pregnancy, you can contact Vinmec International General Hospital

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