6 groups of nutrients that need special attention during pregnancy

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ly Thi Thanh Nha - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang.
Diet for pregnant women during pregnancy has a direct influence on the development of the fetus, creating breast milk and the child's development later. Proper nutrition and special attention should be paid to what nutrients to supplement during pregnancy is what pregnant mothers care about. Here are 6 groups of nutrients needed by pregnant women during pregnancy.

1. Iron

Các thực phẩm giàu sắt cho bà bầu
Các thực phẩm giàu sắt cho bà bầu
The recommended iron requirement of pregnant women is 30mg of elemental iron per day during pregnancy and one month postpartum. If the pregnant mother's diet does not provide enough iron, it leads to iron deficiency.
Effects of iron deficiency:
For mothers: Causes microcytic anemia in the mother, risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, obstetric complications (Postpartum haemorrhage, postpartum infection...) For babies: Low birth weight, reduced intellectual development, postpartum anemia.. Foods rich in iron: Iron is found in meat, fish, eggs, clams, oysters, snails, mussels, cereals, liver, blood. ...iron rich vegetables such as amaranth, spinach, green vegetables...

Trắc nghiệm: Chế độ dinh dưỡng 3 tháng đầu thai kỳ của mẹ bầu như thế nào?

3 tháng đầu được coi là giai đoạn phát triển quan trọng nhất của thai nhi. Để phát triển toàn diện, thai nhi cần được cung cấp đầy đủ dưỡng chất, đặc biệt là các vi chất cần thiết. Làm bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn có thêm kiến thức về chế độ dinh dưỡng trong 3 tháng đầu thai kỳ.

The following content is prepared under supervision of Bác sĩ chuyên khoa I, Lê Hồng Liên , Sản phụ khoa , Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Central Park

Lê Hồng Liên
Lê Hồng Liên
Bác sĩ chuyên khoa I,
Sản phụ khoa
Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Central Park

2. Calcium

Calcium is needed for the development of the fetal skeleton. Calcium requirements during pregnancy range from 800mg to 1000mg per day, especially in the late stages of pregnancy, about 1500mg per day in the last 3 months and lactation: Pregnant women's diet does not provide enough calcium leading to to:
In order to provide enough for the fetus, the mother's body will withdraw calcium from the mother's bones to make up for the lack of pregnancy. The mother is prone to bone pain, fragile teeth... Babies may be born with rickets. Foods containing a lot of calcium: Milk and dairy products, eggs, shrimp, crabs, fish... Pregnant women can provide it through eating or using supplements. >>> Guidelines for calcium supplements for pregnant women during pregnancy

Bổ sung thực phẩm giàu canxi cho mẹ bầu
Bổ sung thực phẩm giàu canxi cho mẹ bầu

3. Folic Acid

Diets for pregnant women do not provide enough folic acid, leading to low birth weight in babies. Folic acid is effective against neural tube defects. The recommended requirement for pregnant women is 400-800 mcg/day.
Sources of folic acid: Green vegetables, fruits, whole grains... or use oral tablets containing folic acid.
>>> Guidelines for multivitamins and folic acid supplements for pregnant women

4. Zinc

Thực phẩm giàu chất kẽm cũng cần thiết đối với mẹ bầu
Thực phẩm giàu chất kẽm cũng cần thiết đối với mẹ bầu
The need for zinc for pregnant women is 12mg/day, if a pregnant woman's diet does not provide enough zinc, zinc deficiency can lead to:
Miscarriage, stillbirth, Preterm birth, or premature birth The best source of zinc is meat, seafood...

5. Iodine

Every day pregnant women should provide enough from 175 to 220 mcg of iodine. Iodine deficiency can cause many risks such as:
Causes spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, premature birth. In severe deficiency, children can become dull with permanent brain damage. Newborns can have birth defects such as slurred speech, muteness, deafness, paralysis of the arms or legs. Sources of iodine from sea fish, oysters, seaweed.... Pregnant women should use salt with high iodine content.

6. Essential vitamins

Vitamin A Deficiency of vitamin A leads to increased infection rate, affects vision, causes dry eyes. The need for vitamin A for pregnant women is 750 mcg/day.
Sources of vitamin A from natural foods such as eggs, milk, liver...
In addition, sources of carotene (precursor of vitamin A when entering the body will convert to vitamin A) include green vegetables , amaranth, yellow and red vegetables (carrots, gac, pumpkin...). If the diet for pregnant women is varied and has good nutrition, there is no need to add vitamin A. Avoid adding a lot of vitamin A, which can cause fetal malformations.

Các loại Vitamin rất cần thiết cho mẹ bầu và thai nhi
Các loại Vitamin rất cần thiết cho mẹ bầu và thai nhi
Vitamin D A vitamin necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. The need for vitamin D for pregnant women is 800UI/day.
Vitamin D deficiency causes decreased absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and children can have rickets in the womb.
Pregnant women can increase vitamin D levels by sunbathing, eating foods rich in vitamin D such as fish, avocado, eggs, milk. However, the source of vitamin D from food is quite poor and difficult to absorb, so pregnant women can supplement by taking vitamin D supplements.
Vitamin B1 Vitamin B1 is necessary for glucose metabolism, disease prevention. beriberi (swelling disease), the body's need is about 1.1mg/day.
Diet for pregnant mothers should add foods containing a lot of vitamin B1 such as: Eat rice without pounding too much, legumes...
Vitamin B2 Is a vitamin that participates in hematopoiesis, lacks vitamins B2 causes anemia affecting the health of mother and baby, the need for vitamin B2 is about 1.5mg/day.
Sources are animal meat, milk, vegetables, beans....
Vitamin C The role of vitamin C: Participates in the process of creating antibodies, increasing the body's resistance, increasing iron absorption. contribute to minimizing iron deficiency anemia. The need for vitamin C for pregnant women is 80mg/day and lactating women is 100mg/day.
Vitamin C is found in many ripe fruits, fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, lemons, guava, mango... green vegetables. In addition, the mother can add a synthetic pill containing vitamin C.
Diet for pregnant women is very important to affect the next generation. Therefore, pregnant mothers need to pay attention to provide enough groups of nutrients necessary for the development of the fetus in the most complete way.

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Reference source: National Institute of Nutrition
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