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Articles in Healthy pregnancy

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Detailed tetanus vaccination schedule for pregnant women during their first and subsequent pregnancies
Vaccination against tetanus is one of the essential vaccines during pregnancy to help expectant mothers have a healthy pregnancy. So, what is the vaccination schedule for tetanus for first-time mothers and subsequent pregnancy?
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Can pregnant women eat seaweed?
When you are pregnant, you may be required to make some changes to your diet. If you are a fan of seaweed, you might wonder 'is it okay to eat seaweed during pregnancy' or can you eat seaweed regularly? There are some types of seaweed that you can safely consume during pregnancy. This article will provide you with this information.
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What Should Women Eat During the 8th Month of Pregnancy?
The 8th month of pregnancy (weeks 29-32) is a critical time when the fetus undergoes significant development in preparation for birth. As such, nutrition for pregnant women during this period is vital to ensure that both the mother and fetus receive adequate nutrients, as the demand for them increases compared to earlier trimesters.
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