What does Seduxen do?

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Seduxen drug contains the active ingredient diazepam, indicated in cases of patients with prolonged insomnia, depression, subjects with acute alcohol delirium, convulsions or muscle spasms... Let's learn about the uses and doses. Use of Seduxen drug through the article below.

1. What does Seduxen do?

1.1. Indications for the use of Seduxen Seduxen drug containing the active ingredient diazepam is prepared in the form of oral tablets and injections. Seduxen is indicated in the treatment of the following pathologies:
People suffering from depression; People with restlessness and anxiety (including sudden withdrawal symptoms such as delirium); People with bone spasticity due to many different causes; Complementary therapy in the treatment of convulsive states such as tetanus, epilepsy; The injectable form is used in surgery and diagnostic interventions (endoscopic, dental) and pre-anesthesia. 1.2. Pharmacodynamics Active ingredient Diazepam belongs to the group of long-acting benzodiazepines (psychotropic drugs), sedative effects that help reduce agitation, stress, anxiety, induce sleep, anticonvulsants and relax muscles. Diazepam is used for a short time to help treat stress, anxiety, anticonvulsants (especially convulsive states due to high fever and epilepsy), reduce alcohol withdrawal syndrome ...
Diazepam's mechanism of action demonstrated to bind to benzodiazepine receptors in the central nervous system and peripheral organs. The diazepam receptor in the central nervous system has a close relationship with the receptor for gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. After binding to the benzodiazepine receptor, diazepam increases the binding of gamma aminobutyric acid and its receptor, thereby increasing the CNS depressant effect.

Seduxen được chỉ định trong điều trị bệnh trầm cảm
Seduxen được chỉ định trong điều trị bệnh trầm cảm

1.3. Pharmacodynamics Diazepam is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, peak concentrations are reached about 0.5-2 hours after oral administration. For the intramuscular form, absorption of the drug is usually slowest and depends on the injection site, in which injection into the deltoid muscle has a rapid and complete absorption rate. For rectal administration, diazepam is rapidly and completely absorbed. The drug's plasma protein binding rate is high (95-99%).
The volume of distribution of diazepam ranges from 0.95 to 2 liters/kg and is age dependent. Diazepam is a lipophilic drug, so it quickly penetrates the cerebrospinal fluid, crosses the placenta, and is excreted in breast milk (including its metabolite N - desmethyl diazepam).
Metabolism of diazepam occurs in the liver, especially through the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C19 enzyme system. Metabolites including termazepam, N-desmethyl diazepam (nordiazepam) and oxazepam appear in the urine as glucuronide-active conjugates. Approximately 20% of metabolites are recovered in the urine at the first 72 hours.
The half-life (t1/2) of diazepam is biphasic, the first being rapidly distributed and the latter lasting 1 to 2 days. The active metabolites termazepam, N - desmethyl diazepam and oxazepam have half-lives of 10 - 20 hours, 30-100 hours and 5-15 hours, respectively.
Elimination of the drug occurs mainly in the kidneys, to a small extent via the bile and is dependent on liver and kidney function and age. In neonates, the time of metabolism and elimination is slower than in adults. In the elderly, the elimination time of diazepam is 2 to 4 times longer than normal. For special subjects such as patients with impaired kidney function, liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis), the elimination time of the drug is also longer than usual.

2. Dosage of Seduxen

The dose of Seduxen depends on the patient's condition, age, and the type of drug used. Specifically as follows:
- For pill form:
Adults: Take 5 - 15 mg/day, divided into 2 - 4 times. Note that a single dose should not exceed 10mg; Children: Take 1.25 - 2.5 mg/day as needed, divided into 2 - 4 times. - For injectable form: Dosage for adults depends on the condition as follows:
Psychomotor anxiety, restlessness, agitation: Intramuscular 10 - 20mg (in severe cases, it can be injected). vein); The injection dose may be increased to 30 mg in special cases. Maintenance dose is 10mg x 3-4 times/day; Status epilepticus, recurrent epilepsy: Intravenous dose 10-30mg, can be repeated after 30 minutes - 1 hour. Do not take more than 80-100mg/day. When seizures subside or cease, 10 mg IM every 4 to 6 hours can be maintained for several days if needed; Intramuscular dose of 10mg for the prevention of recurrent seizures; Symptoms of acute alcohol delirium, alcohol withdrawal: Intramuscular dose of 10mg/time x 3-4 times/day; Induction of anesthesia before defibrillation or surgery: Intramuscular dose of 10mg 30 minutes before intervention; Stiffness syndrome, Stiffman, muscle spasms, spasticity: Intramuscular dose 10mg. Repeat 3-4 times/day as needed. - For elderly people with liver failure, emaciation: The dose is half the usual dose (up to 2.5mg) and the duration of use is longer. For children, when using the injection form, it is necessary to inject at a slow rate (maximum 0.25 mg/kg), which can be repeated after 2-4 hours.
- Use only more than 3 single doses of Seduxen per day in the treatment of tetanus or epileptic symptoms.

Liều dùng thuốc Seduxen phụ thuộc vào tình trạng bệnh
Liều dùng thuốc Seduxen phụ thuộc vào tình trạng bệnh

3. Contraindications of Seduxen

Contraindicated to use Seduxen in the following cases:
People who are allergic to any ingredient of Seduxen; Women who are pregnant in the first 3 months of pregnancy (in the last 6 months of pregnancy only use when absolutely necessary and need to be indicated and monitored by a doctor); Women who are breastfeeding; People with severe respiratory diseases, with difficulty breathing; Patients with severe liver failure; People with depression; People with sleep apnea syndrome; People with muscle weakness, glaucoma; Alcohol and drug addicts.

4. Notes when using Seduxen

4.1. Undesirable effects Some side effects may be encountered when using Seduxen as follows:
Common side effects: Muscle weakness, fatigue, drowsiness; Rare side effects: Confusion, dizziness, incorrect movements and steps, bad mood, red skin, constipation, low blood pressure, joint instability, urinary incontinence, dry mouth, nausea or salivation, slow heart rate, changes in libido, memory problems, mood swings; Very rare side effects: Jaundice, liver dysfunction, hematopoietic disorders; Especially, Seduxen drug is addictive or dependent when used for a long time, when stopping the drug will appear withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, trouble sleeping, tremor, restlessness, concentration disorder, tinnitus, feeling tachycardia, hallucinations, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite... 4.2. Note when using the drug "Is Seduxen sleeping medicine good and what should be noted when using it?". Accordingly, the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks when the drug is used in the right dose, disease condition and not abused. Some notes when using Seduxen as follows:
For intramuscular injection, it should be injected later into the muscle. For intravenous form, it is necessary to inject at a slow rate (maximum 0.5ml in 30 seconds). Do not inject Seduxen into the aorta, external vessel or small vein; In case the patient has respiratory failure, coma and stops breathing, the use of the drug should be carefully considered due to the high risk of respiratory failure; Dosage should be carefully determined for patients with renal failure, liver failure, the elderly, chronic lung failure, infants and children; Patients with depression or suspected depression should be treated with drugs with great attention, because the danger of suicidal tendencies is increased. The long-term use of the drug will lead to dependence, when suddenly stopping the drug after a long time of treatment can easily lead to withdrawal symptoms; For children under 6 years old: Minimize the use of sedatives, only use when prescribed by a doctor; Driving, operating machinery: In the first phase of the drug, the patient absolutely should not drive or perform dangerous jobs for 12-24 hours after taking it.

Thuốc Seduxen được chỉ định trong các trường hợp người bệnh bị mất ngủ kéo dài
Thuốc Seduxen được chỉ định trong các trường hợp người bệnh bị mất ngủ kéo dài

5. Drug interactions

Seduxen may interact with some drugs when taken together, specifically as follows:
Psychotropic drugs, other anticonvulsants: Increases the effect of Seduxen (phenothiazine, sleeping pills, analgesics, barbiturates, drugs). antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, alcohol); Drugs that induce drug metabolism enzymes such as antiepileptic drugs (phenytoin, carbamazepine...) increase the elimination of Seduxen; Muscle relaxants when used with Seduxen lead to an unpredictable risk of the effects of Seduxen, increasing the risk of apnea in patients; Prolonged use of omeprazole or cimetidine in patients increases the clearance of Seduxen. Seduxen is indicated in cases of patients with prolonged insomnia, depression, acute alcohol delirium, convulsions or muscle spasms... To use safely and effectively, patients need to consult consult and follow your doctor's orders.

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