What does a fast heartbeat warn of?

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Hello doctor. The doctor told me that my heart rate is normal, but sometimes I have signs of heart palpitations, irregularities, palpitations even though I am not doing anything heavy or worrying at all. The doctor asked me if my condition was anything to worry about? And is there any connection between tachycardia and stillbirth because I have had multiple miscarriages. Thank you doctor.
Nguyen Thi Hanh (1987)
Hello doctor. Doctor, for about 2 days now, I have been working in the office as usual, I feel like my heart is beating faster than usual, beating hard for about 3 minutes, I can feel the change of heart rate very clearly. Is this unusual, please advise me! Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hello doctor. Doctor let me ask, I am tired for a long time and sometimes the person is hot near the fever of 36.8 degrees and the heart feels fast, what is the sign of the disease? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you.
Ngo Van Toi (1993)
Hello, the normal adult heart rate is about 60-90 times/minute, and the heart rate changes frequently depending on many factors including normal state. (such as when emotional or exertion.. the heart rate increases), and pathological (such as arrhythmia, thyroid disease,...). You did not say what your heart rate was at the time of the above symptoms.
To find out the cause as well as have a reasonable treatment regimen. You should go to the Department of Cardiology to have a doctor examine, do tests, .. for timely treatment advice.
Doctor CKII Nguyen Quoc Viet - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
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