What disease does Corneil 5mg treat?

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Corniel medicine 5mg contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol fumarate. The drug is indicated in combination with other drug groups in the treatment of chronic heart failure, helping to slow the heart rate and help the process of pumping blood through the whole body more effectively... Learn about dosage and Notes when using Bisoprolol through the article below.

1. Uses of Corneil 5mg

"What disease does Corneil 5mg treat?". Corneil medicine 5mg contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol - belongs to the group of beta receptor blockers, is indicated in the treatment of the following conditions:
Treatment of hypertension; Treatment of angina pectoris ; Adjunct to the treatment of moderate to severe stable chronic heart failure with reduced left ventricular systolic function when used in conjunction with diuretics, ACE inhibitors and possibly cardiac glycosides. Active substance Bisoprolol belongs to the group of beta-channel blockers without membrane stabilization and has no sympathomimetic effects when used at therapeutic doses. At low doses, Bisoprolol acts as a selective inhibitor of the response to adrenaline stimulation through competitive blocking of cardiac beta-1 adrenalin receptors, however, it has little effect on beta-2 adrenalin receptors in bronchial and bronchial smooth muscle. blood vessel wall. At high doses (from 20mg or more), the selective effect of the drug on beta-1 receptors is reduced, instead the drug will inhibit both beta-1 and beta-2 receptors.
Bisoprol used in Treatment of hypertension with efficacy comparable to other beta-channel blockers. In which, the mechanism of antihypertensive effect of the drug has been demonstrated to include the following factors: Inhibition of renin release by the kidneys, decreased cardiac output, and decreased sympathetic nervous activity from vasomotor centers in the brain. The prominent effects of the drug are a decrease in heart rate, even at rest and during exercise, with little effect on the volume of blood ejected in each stroke and with only a small increase in pressure. pulmonary capillary or right atrial pressure at exercise and at rest.
Except in cases of contraindication or intolerance to the drug, bisoprolol is not used in combination with diuretics, ACE inhibitors and cardiac glycosides in the treatment of heart failure due to left ventricular dysfunction. , helping to reduce the progression of heart failure. The effect of bisoprolol in particular and beta-channel blockers in general in the treatment of chronic congestive heart failure is due to inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system. Long-term use of the drug can reduce symptoms of heart failure and improve clinical outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure. These effects have been demonstrated in patients being treated with an ACE inhibitor, resulting in synergistic inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin system.
Absorption process: The drug is almost completely absorbed after oral administration, food does not affect the absorption of the drug. The oral bioavailability of Bisoprolol is about 90%. Peak drug concentrations are reached 2 to 4 hours after oral administration.
Distribution process: The amount of drug bound to plasma proteins is about 30% and the drug is moderately soluble in lipids.
Metabolism and Elimination: The half-life of Bisoprolol in plasma ranges from 10 to 12 hours. The drug is extensively metabolized by the liver, excreted in the urine and about 50% of the drug is excreted unchanged, 50% of the dose is excreted as metabolites. The dose of Corneil 5mg is individualized and adjusted depending on the patient's response and tolerability, usually at least 2 weeks apart. Specific dosage is as follows:
Adults: Treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris: The usual dose is from 5 to 10mg, taken once a day and note that the recommended dose is 20mg/day (reduced dose) in patients with liver and kidney failure).
Treatment of stable chronic heart failure: Patients with stable chronic heart failure (no exacerbations for 6 weeks and treated with an appropriate ACE inhibitor, a diuretic and/or a digital) before When treated with Bisoprolol, the treatment course should not be changed much during the last 2 weeks before using Bisoprolol. The course of drug treatment must be supervised by a cardiologist, the stable treatment dose must begin with a dose adjustment period and be gradually increased according to the following scheme:
Use dose of 1.25mg x 1 times/day for 1 week. If tolerated, the dose can be increased. During the first dose, the patient should be monitored for 4 hours (especially blood pressure, conduction disturbances, heart rate, signs of worsening heart failure); Dose 2.5mg x 1 time/day. In case the patient is well tolerated, increase the dose; Dose of 5mg x 1 time / day for 4 weeks. In case the patient tolerates it well, increase the dose; Dose 7.5mg x 1 time / day for 4 weeks. In case the patient tolerates it well, increase the dose; Use a dose of 10mg x 1 time / day to maintain treatment. Treatment of chronic heart failure in patients with renal or hepatic impairment: No pharmacokinetic data are available in these patients. Therefore, extreme caution should be exercised when increasing the dose.
Treatment of hypertension, angina in patients with liver failure, renal failure: Patients with creatinine clearance < 40 mL/min should use the starting dose to treat hypertension is 2.5 mg/day. Increase dose cautiously. The maximum recommended dose for the treatment of hypertension and angina is 10 mg/day in patients with severe hepatic impairment or in patients with creatinine clearance < 20 mL/min.
Elderly: No dose adjustment is required in this population.
Children: No research data yet. Therefore, do not use the drug in children.

2. Corneil 5mg . side effects

Corneil 5mg medicine can cause some side effects as follows:
Common side effects:
Heart: Worsening heart failure, bradycardia; Nervous: Headache, dizziness; Digestive: Digestive disorders such as diarrhea, nausea, constipation; Blood vessels: Low blood pressure, cold or numbness of extremities; Body as a whole: Fatigue, weakness. Uncommon side effects:
Atrioventricular conduction disturbances; Thoracic, respiratory and mediastinal: Bronchospasm in patients with a history of obstructive airways disease or patients with bronchial asthma; Connective tissue or skeletal muscle: Muscle spasms, muscle weakness, joint pain; Depression, sleep disorders; Body as a whole: Peripheral edema, chest pain.

3. Precautions when using Corneil 5mg

3.1. Contraindications Contraindicated to use Corneil 5mg drug in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to Bisoprolol or to any ingredient of Corneil 5mg drug; Patients with acute heart failure, cardiogenic shock, heart failure not controlled by background therapy, severe grade III or IV heart failure, sinus bradycardia, second or third degree atrioventricular block, sinus node disease; Pulmonary disease - severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or severe bronchial asthma; Patients with severe Raynaud's syndrome; Patients with adrenal myeloma that have not been treated; Patients with low blood pressure (<100mgHg); The patient has metabolic acidosis. 3.2. Congestive heart failure: Sympathomimetic stimulation is a circulatory support component in the early stages of congestive heart failure and beta-blockade can lead to impaired contractility as well as promote heart failure. heavier heart. However, some patients with compensated congestive heart failure still need to use Bisoprolol in treatment. In this case, the drug should be used with caution and only added to treatment when the heart failure has already been treated with the basic drugs (ACE inhibitors, diuretics, digitalis) under the supervision of patients. under the control of the treating physician.
Patients with no history of heart failure: Continuous myocardial depression by beta-channel blockers may lead to heart failure. Therefore, at the first signs and symptoms of heart failure, consideration should be given to discontinuing drug therapy.
Stopping drug therapy abruptly may worsen angina. In some cases, ventricular arrhythmias or myocardial infarction may occur in patients with coronary artery disease. Therefore, patients need to use the drug exactly according to the doctor's schedule and do not stop taking it suddenly.
Peripheral Vascular Disease: Beta-channel blockers may worsen symptoms of arterial insufficiency in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Therefore, caution should be exercised when administering the drug in these patients.
Bronchospasm: In general, patients with bronchospasm should not take beta-channel blockers. However, because of its relative selectivity for beta-1 receptors, Bisoprolol may be used with caution in patients with bronchospasm who are unresponsive to, or intolerant of, treatment with other antihypertensive agents. . Dosage should be started at the lowest dose (2.5mg).
Anesthesia, major surgery: In case it is necessary to continue treatment with Bisoprolol near the time of surgery, special care should be taken when using anesthetics that reduce myocardial function such as cyclopropane, ether and trichloroethylene.
Hypoglycemia, diabetes: Bisoprolol in particular and Beta channel blockers in general can mask the symptoms of hypoglycemia (especially increased heart rate), increase insulin-induced hypoglycemia, slows down the recovery of serum glucose levels.
Thyroid toxicity: Beta-channel blockers may mask symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as increased heart rate. Therefore, abrupt discontinuation of treatment may worsen symptoms of hyperthyroidism, prompting the onset of a storm.
Impaired renal and hepatic function: Bisoprolol dose should be adjusted carefully in patients with hepatic and renal impairment.
Ability to drive and use machines: Corneil 5mg may affect the ability to drive and use machines. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using the drug in the early stages of treatment.
Knowing about drug information before use will help bring better treatment results and limit health problems.

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