What causes pain in the upper right abdomen?

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Hello doctor! Yesterday, I rode a motorbike to my husband's hometown about 30km. At night, when I went to bed, I felt pain in the upper right abdomen, sometimes relieved but after a while, the pain again. This morning it still hurts. The doctor told me, I have pain in the upper right abdomen, what is the cause? I would like to thank you.
Tran Nga (1995)
Hello! You have not clearly described your right abdominal pain, is there epigastric pain? What is the nature of the pain? Is it meal related? Is there a burning sensation behind the breastbone?
Therefore, you need to go to a gastroenterologist - Hospital of Vinmec Health System for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The area above the right navel contains several organs such as the liver, bile, colon, duodenum, part of the stomach, and the head of the pancreas.
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