Home Tag Causes of stomach pain

Articles in Causes of stomach pain

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Abdominal pain under the left flank and pain on the left side of the navel is what disease?
Hi doctor. I have had pain in my left side for 2 days. Yesterday I had pain in the left side just below the ribs. Today, the pain has moved down to the left side of the navel. May I ask what kind of illness you have? Doctor please help me. Thank you doctor.
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What is the most common cause of abdominal pain?
Most causes of abdominal pain are not cause for concern, and the condition can be easily diagnosed and treated by a doctor. However, there are cases where abdominal pain has no known cause or is a sign of a serious medical condition.
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What causes pain in the lower right abdomen? What tests should be done to diagnose the disease?
Doctor please help me! My mother has had stomach ache and discomfort since yesterday, now she is fine. Clinical symptoms include: The other day (May 7): My mother had abdominal pain for about 10 minutes (mechanical pain like cramps). My mother thought it might be because of carrying water to water the plants.
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Is left side abdominal pain an intestinal disease?
Hi doctor! I have frequent abdominal pain, sometimes I have cramping pain on the left side of my abdomen. The doctor asked me if the pain in the left side of the abdomen is an intestinal disease? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. Thank you.
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Abdominal pain, nausea, belching with hard and loose stools are symptoms of what disease?
Recently I have been feeling nauseous and belching along with hard and loose stools. Or farting and stomach alcohol. Occasional lower abdominal pain spreading to right abdomen, waist and back (right side).
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Abdominal pain with bowel movements after eating is a sign of what disease? How to fix?
I often have pain in the right abdomen, defecation about 5-10 minutes after eating. This phenomenon occurs mainly during the day, at night also occurs but less frequently.
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Left side abdominal pain is a sign of what disease?
I have pain in the left side 5cm from the navel. When I eat and drink, I find that the left side is very heavy, many times I find it difficult to breathe. The doctor told me I don't know what the area is
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Is abdominal pain around the navel dangerous?
Lately, I have been experiencing abdominal pain around the navel. When I exhaled, I felt a lot of pain, but I couldn't locate the pain. I don't know what's wrong with you? Please ask the doctor if abdominal pain around the navel is dangerous? Please answer doctor.
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Drinking Coca-Cola from abdominal pain is due to intestinal obstruction?
I sometimes have cramping pain in the abdomen and the pain is intermittent. I suspect a bowel obstruction because I have had a laparotomy. Every time I have a new pain, I drink a few cups of Coca-Cola and it goes away. The doctor asked me to drink Coca-Cola to get rid of my stomach ache, is it due to intestinal obstruction and is it necessary to have surgery to cure it?
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Is abdominal pain above the navel dangerous?
I have fatigue in the area below the chest down above the navel, feeling like a slight pressure. I had 3 ultrasounds with no problems, only thick bile walls (I have hepatitis B for 7 years and still take Tenofovir 1 tablet a day). Currently, I have no symptoms of pain or fatigue. So the doctor asked me if the pain in the abdomen above the navel is dangerous?
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What is the cause of lower right abdominal pain?
Currently, I am in Japan. I have a dull pain in the abdomen below the right navel, usually at night for more than a week. I went to the doctor but the doctor said it was fine. What is the cause of lower right abdominal pain?
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