What can aggravate anemia?

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Anemia is the lack of enough quality red blood cells to carry oxygen to the cells. When you have anemia, you will feel weak and tired. The causes of anemia vary from person to person and can be temporary or permanent. What causes anemia?

1. Types of anemia

Anemia has many different diagnoses. This is the basis that is determined from the beginning to give the most effective treatment regimen. There are 5 common types of anemia:
Anemia due to non-regeneration Iron deficiency anemia Anemia due to red blood cell morphology (sickle cell) Thalassemia Vitamin deficiency anemia

2. Common signs of anemia

The signs or symptoms of anemia are often not the same. They depend on the cause of the anemia, such as chronic disease or an anemia-inducing agent. With chronic anemia can be detected through testing. Some other causes can be based on some of the following common signs or symptoms for early detection:
Frequent fatigue Feeling weak Pale or yellowish skin Irregular heartbeat Shortness of breath Frequent dizziness dizziness, feeling of tightness in the chest, limbs or feeling cold, pain in the head, anemia initially has little effect on life and activities, so you often ignore it. So we often find ourselves with anemia when the condition has worsened. To prevent the dangers caused by anemia, you should have a regular health check-up plan to always capture body indicators.

Cảm thấy thường xuyên mệt mỏi là một trong những dấu hiệu của thiếu máu
Cảm thấy thường xuyên mệt mỏi là một trong những dấu hiệu của thiếu máu

3. Causes of anemia

Anemia occurs when you don't have enough red blood cells. There are many reasons why the number of red blood cells is not enough to meet the body's needs:
Unable to produce enough of the body needs Losing too many red blood cells when injured The body has a breakdown reaction Red blood cells What is the function of red blood cells in the body? There are three types of blood cells in our body:
White blood cells: Anti-infection Platelets: Aids in blood clotting Red blood cells: The bag that stores blood and delivers oxygen Red blood cells have contains hemoglobin, which is an iron-rich protein that gives blood its red color. This protein allows red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body and to carry carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs for excretion. The majority of blood cells exist inside your bone marrow especially in the large functional bone cavities. You need a nutritious diet with enough iron, vitamin b12, folate and other trace elements for the body to produce the protein hemoglobin and red blood cells.
The causes of anemia are not the same, but they are listed under some common causes:
Iron deficiency anemia This is considered the main cause of anemia found in patients. If your body is facing iron deficiency, it will not have enough nutrients to create protein and red blood cells to nourish the body. Pregnant women are susceptible to iron deficiency anemia. Due to the structure of women going through menstruation, the risk of anemia is also higher. Sometimes iron deficiency is also caused by an accident or disease such as blood loss from injury, cancer, taking too much pain reliever, stomach ulcer....
Vitamin deficiency anemia In addition to iron, vitamin B12 It also contributes to the production of healthy red blood cells. However, if you accidentally do not get enough of this vitamin, it will affect the production of red blood cells. In addition, some vitamins are difficult for the body to absorb, leading to pernicious anemia.

Anemia due to inflammation Diseases such as cancer, HIV / AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, Crohn's disease and some other chronic diseases also interfere with the body's blood-forming process .
Non-regenerative anemia This is a rare anemia but its nature is dangerous to the patient's life. The main reason is because you are taking certain medications, have an infection, have an autoimmune disease, or are regularly exposed to toxic chemicals.
Causes of anemia of bone marrow origin Leukemia or myelofibrosis can cause anemia. This effect is quite similar to inflammation caused by cancer and some chronic diseases that weaken the immune system.
Hemolytic syndrome When red blood cells are destroyed faster than bone marrow cells, it leads to hemolysis. Besides, it can also be because you have a disease or use products that increase the destruction of red blood cells. Congenital hemolysis is often genetic and is detected earlier than red blood cell destruction.
Anemia due to sickle cell disease Extremely dangerous red blood cell morphology. Hemolytic anemia is one name for this disease. The cause of sickle cell anemia is an error in the encoding of information from the protein that produces them. These cells will persist in the body and lead to a chronic red blood cell condition.

4. Common causes of anemia

To determine the cause of anemia, you need to understand the body and the risks of each factor:
The diet is not balanced with nutrition Our diet does not add enough iron and vitamins. B12 and folate will lead to the risk of anemia.
Intestinal metabolic disorders When the small intestine cannot smoothly absorb the nutrients the body takes in, there is an increased risk of anemia.
Monthly Women's menstrual periods can be short or long. Some lose so much blood that the body becomes fatigued, leading to a higher level of anemia when going through menopause.

Pregnancy Pregnant and lactating women need twice as much nutrition to provide for the baby. Therefore, when there is not enough nutrition, there is an increased risk of nutritional deficiencies, especially iron and calcium.
Chronic disease Some chronic diseases such as cancer, kidney disease... can increase the risk of anemia. They are responsible for the deficiency of red blood cells in the body. Even when the disease is severe, ulcers that are difficult to heal may appear. Initially, the amount of red blood cells will improve, but in the long run, it will lead to iron deficiency
Genetic factors Anemia is also partly genetic. If someone in your family has sickle cell disease or has unhealthy lifestyle habits, you have a higher risk of developing it too.
Other factors When you have a history of infections, blood diseases will disrupt the immune system causing anemia.
Advanced age At the age of 65 and on, the risk of anemia will increase due to the decline of cells in the body.

5. How dangerous are common complications when you are anemic?

Anemia doesn't just stop at a lack of red blood cells that supply oxygen to the body. When you do not treat it early, it will weaken the immune system and affect many body activities.
Anemia leading to severe fatigue, not being able to do daily tasks Anemia due to folate deficiency can lead to premature birth or neural tube defects in the fetus Anemia is an arrhythmia that leads to heart failure Some inherited anemias have a direct impact on life.

6. Solutions to prevent anemia protect the body

Anemia has many types and you cannot prevent them all. However, you should always make sure to eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients for your body. In addition to vitamin B12, folate, and iron, you need vitamin C. This is not only a vitamin that helps strengthen the resistance but also has the function of enhancing iron absorption for the body. You can also consult an anemia treatment from your doctor when you have difficulty absorbing nutrients.
Above are the causes of anemia and the causes of anemia for your reference. Always take care of your health so as not to make anemia serious.

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References: mayoclinic.org, webmd.com
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