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The article is professionally consulted by Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Hoang Dang Mich - Head of Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.Diabetes mellitus, also known as diabetes, is one of the main causes of many serious diseases, typically coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular accident, blindness, kidney failure,... Early recognition of signs symptoms of the disease to have a timely treatment plan is essential.
1. What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease characterized by chronic high blood sugar caused by a lack of insulin (because the pancreas does not secrete insulin or the insulin is not working properly). The first symptoms of diabetes are quite vague, so many people do not recognize or confuse them with other diseases.If left untreated, diabetes will reduce quality of life, cause complications on the kidneys, eyes, heart, nervous system and reduce the patient's life expectancy. That is the reason why early diagnosis of the disease, for example, based on the blood glucose index plays a very important role.
2. How much glucose in the blood is diabetes?
What is the normal glucose index of a person? Glucose (also known as sugar) is the main source of energy to feed the body, which is converted from the foods we provide ourselves every day. In human blood, there is always a certain amount of Glucose to ensure the supply of energy for daily activities:
90 - 130 mg/dl (ie 5 - 7.2 mmol/l) at the time before meals eat. Less than 180 mg/dl (ie 10 mmol/l) at the time of eating about 1-2 hours. 100 - 150 mg/l (ie 6 - 8.3 mmol/l) at bedtime. Measure your Glucose at these intervals and compare it accordingly to see if you have diabetes.
How much glucose in the blood is diabetes? For patients with diabetes, the glucose index is as follows:
Measure the fasting glucose index (within 8 hours without eating) and the result is 126 mg/dl (7 mmol/l) or more, indicating that you have diabetes Street. Note that it is necessary to measure 2 times in a row for more accurate results because sometimes these parameters have inconsistent up and down fluctuations. In case of re-measurement, the following index result is less than 110 mg/dl (6.1 mmol/l) should bring the result to the doctor for appropriate advice. If the fasting glucose level is in the range of 110 - 126 mg/dl (6.1 - 7 mmol/l), you are in the stage of fasting dysglycemia. In other words, this is the pre-diabetes stage. About 40% of people with this level of glucose will develop diabetes in the next 4-5 years. Therefore, if you are in this index range, you need to have a suitable treatment plan to avoid serious disease before treatment because it is both ineffective and costly.
If you have diabetes or a fasting blood sugar disorder, the patient is not too worried. With a low-carb diet, keeping a reasonable weight, staying optimistic and maintaining regular sports activities, it is possible to live a healthy and normal life.
At Vinmec, we always provide screening programs for cardiovascular disease and diabetes - one of the methods to help us screen and detect diabetes early, thereby providing a specific treatment plan, preventing these diseases. dangerous complications of the disease.
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