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Articles in Glucose

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When is the best time to eat dates?
Dates are a popular sweet that is traditionally served after dinner during the Muslim fasting month of Ramzan, but they are seldom regarded as a natural breakfast food. Date products offer numerous health benefits, particularly when consumed in the morning. So, when is the best time to eat dates? Read on to find out more.
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What is the difference between Sucrose, Glucose and Fructose?
Sucrose, glucose, and fructose are three common types of sugars found in natural products such as fruits, vegetables, dairy derivatives, grains, and processed foods. Despite all being classified as sugar, they differ significantly in their chemical structure, how the body processes them, and their impact on health.
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What is a normal blood sugar level 2 hours after eating?
A blood sugar chart shows a person's ideal blood sugar levels throughout the day, including before and after meals. It can help a person manage their blood sugar if they need to keep their blood sugar levels within normal limits, such as people with diabetes. Another blood sugar level people should pay attention to is their blood sugar level 2 hours after eating.
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