What are the signs of fatigue on the body?

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Hello doctor. Let me ask you since you were in 9th grade, you have had signs of jaundice, your face is pale yellow yellow. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a liver fluke and took a pill once. Up to now, I am in 11th grade, I still feel my skin is yellow and pale, sometimes I still have pain in the right lower quadrant, but when I went to the doctor, the doctors tested the blood with a quick test method and found nothing wrong. By now, my skin is more and more yellow and my body is tired, sometimes I have pain in the right lower quadrant. Ask your doctor for advice. Thank you very much doctor.
Anonymous question
Hello. Because there are many diseases that can have the same outward appearance, to determine the cause and have a treatment, the information about the symptoms that you have described is not enough. Most of the symptoms are subjective (eg, pale yellow color, the doctor can't figure out if there is jaundice or not, or anemia, how severe it is, or something else.) ..). Therefore, you need to see a specialist doctor for a specific assessment and necessary tests.
You can go to Vinmec Health System hospitals across the country to register for an examination and receive expert advice from experienced doctors.
Thank you for sending your question to Vinmec. I wish you good health always.
Answered by Doctor Tran Thi Phuong Thuy - Hepatobiliary Specialist, Department of General Internal Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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