What are the benefits of eating sapodilla?

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Sapodilla is a fruit that is not only rich in vitamin A, minerals and tannins,... but it is also good for health. Besides, sapodilla has the effect of supporting the functioning of the digestive system and providing energy for the body. So is it good to eat sapodilla?

1. Replenish Energy

What is the effect of sapodilla? The high glucose content in sapodilla provides sugar for the body in just a few minutes. This is why sapodilla is great for those who need an extra boost of energy like pregnant women, growing children or athletes.
In addition, with its high carbohydrate content and essential nutrients, this fruit also offers many benefits to pregnant and lactating mothers. Sapodilla reduces body weakness and other symptoms during pregnancy such as nausea, dizziness.

2. Prevent constipation, diarrhea

Sapodilla contains a lot of fiber (about 5.6 g / 100g), which reduces the risk of constipation, and it also supports the cells of the large intestine, increasing the ability to fight infections. Therefore, eating sapodilla is an extremely effective laxative remedy.
Besides, sapodilla is a rich source of tannins and polyphenolic substances - substances beneficial to the digestive tract. Sapodilla helps to remove waste and cleanse the stomach, thus reducing diarrhea. The abundant minerals in this fruit help form necessary enzymes in the stomach, thereby regulating metabolism and keeping the digestive tract clean.

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Quả hồng xiêm giúp giảm nguy cơ táo bón và tiêu chảy

3. Anti-Depression

Sapodilla is like a sedative, it helps to calm the nerves and relieve stress. Therefore, people with insomnia, anxiety or depression are often advised to eat this fruit.

4. Helps strengthen bones

One of the health benefits of sapodilla is its high calcium content. Therefore, it is very beneficial for women with osteoporosis.

5. Good for eyes

Is it good to eat sapodilla? Sapodilla is a fruit with a very high vitamin A content. According to many studies, vitamin A helps improve vision, even in old age. To maintain good eyesight, you should regularly eat sapodilla.

6. Preventing Cancer

The types of fiber, antioxidants and nutrients found in sapodilla help protect the body against cancer. Typically, vitamin A protects the body from lung and oral cavity cancers.

7. Anti-inflammatory, prevent bacteria

The tannin content contained in sapodilla fruit is considered a very effective anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. Besides the ability to help prevent diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, esophagitis, irritable bowel syndrome or gastritis, tannins also work to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
Polyphenol antioxidants found in this fruit help the body fight against the invasion of viruses, parasites and antibacterial. Vitamin C prevents free radicals that are harmful to the body. In addition, ingredients such as iron, niacin, folate and pantothenic help keep the digestive system healthy.

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Quả hồng xiêm giàu tannin giúp chống viêm, kháng khuẩn

8. Stop the bleeding

Sapodilla helps to prevent bleeding in cases of trauma. The seeds of this fruit are also used to reduce mosquito bites and other insect bites.

9. Other benefits

The amount of magnesium in sapodilla is beneficial for the blood and blood vessels. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure while promoting a healthy circulatory system. Folate and iron prevent anemia diseases. In addition, sapodilla improves resistance to help the body fight many infectious diseases. Sapodilla acts as a diuretic, helping to remove toxins from the body through regular urination. The abundant vitamin C content in sapodilla helps fight coughs and colds very effectively. Regularly eating sapodilla will help you prevent and treat chronic cold infections. These antioxidants prevent free radicals, reducing wrinkles in women.
In short, sapodilla is a favorite fruit of Vietnamese people and contains vitamin A, rich in minerals and tannins,... very good for health. Besides, sapodilla also works to support the functioning of the digestive system and provide energy for the body.

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