Watermelon hot or cool? Notes when eating watermelon in the summer?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Le Thi Hong Chinh, Vinmec Traditional Medicine Center - Sao Phuong Dong, Vinmec Times City International Hospital
Watermelon is a fruit with a lot of water, very suitable to eat in the summer. However, whether watermelon is hot or cool is still a matter of concern for many people. Identifying fruit properties helps people have a more specific eating plan.
"What are the benefits of eating watermelon?", "is it good to eat watermelon?" or “is it hot to eat watermelon?” These are questions that many people are interested in. Especially when watermelon is in season like now. With the question "What are the benefits of eating watermelon?", "Is it good to eat watermelon?", Doctor Le Thi Hong Chinh, Vinmec Center for Traditional Medicine - Sao Phuong Dong, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital Watermelon is a fruit with many health benefits. Watermelon not only helps you lower blood pressure, prevent asthma, improve circulation, relieve muscle pain, but also help beautify the skin, reduce wrinkles around the eyes effectively. So "is it hot to eat watermelon?", the answer is no.
Traditional medicine has classified watermelon as a food line with cool properties, has the effect of clearing heat, clearing heat, diuretic: That is, treating heatstroke, summer heatstroke, treating rheumatic fever (ie yellow) skin), abdominal distension. Watermelon seeds also have the effect of eliminating phlegm and laxative. Watermelon helps cool the body and helps carry heat and toxins out of the body through increased excretion through the kidneys with more urination, which is a great choice on a hot summer day.
When it is known that watermelon is a fruit that is not hot, good for health, everyone should add to the diet of the day to have the best nutrition.
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