Warn the source of chickenpox when winter comes

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Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ma Van Tham, Head of Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
Chickenpox is an acute infectious disease that can be spread from person to person through inhalation or close contact. Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease, with an infection rate of up to 90% in people who are not immune. The disease often appears epidemic in school-age children. Especially with the weather conditions of winter, this disease has even more conditions to reproduce. In the face of the situation that many parents are subjective about the spread of this disease, Master, Doctor Ma Van Tham, Head of Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital has issued a warning about the source of chickenpox infection. when winter comes.

1. Chickenpox and what you need to know

Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is an acute infectious disease caused by the varicella virus. The disease occurs mostly in children, but also many adults. Usually, the time from infection with the virus to the onset of illness - known as incubation or incubation period - is about 2-3 weeks. The initial symptoms are blisters on the head, extremities and trunk and rapidly increase in number within 12-24 hours. The blisters are l - 3mm in diameter, containing clear fluid, but in severe cases the blisters will be larger or when infected with bacteria, the blisters will be cloudy due to containing pus. Pregnant women with chickenpox will be very dangerous to the fetus, can cause miscarriage or leave birth defects.
According to Doctor Ma Van Tham, chickenpox usually breaks out in winter and spring every year and lasts until the end of spring. Many people still think that chickenpox is just a skin disease so it is not dangerous, however, if not detected early and treated promptly and properly, chickenpox will cause many dangerous complications as follows:
Skin infection Although not dangerous, the blisters will be large, pus-filled, take a long time to heal and may leave scars. Sepsis causes blood infection. Pneumonia, encephalitis, cerebellitis: these are life-threatening complications or can leave long-term sequelae for patients. Shingles: Even after the patient has recovered, the chickenpox virus can remain in the ganglia in an inactive form i.e. dormant. When favorable conditions are met, the chickenpox virus will reactivate and become a factor in shingles.

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2. The best way to prevent chickenpox

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), vaccination is an effective way to prevent disease. About 88-98% of people who have been vaccinated against chickenpox will avoid the disease. The Ministry of Health of Vietnam also gives 5 important recommendations to prevent this disease as follows:
Limit contact with sick people to prevent spread. Cases of chickenpox should be absent from school or work for 7 to 10 days from the time of diagnosis to avoid spreading to others. Regularly wash your hands with soap, use separate utensils, clean your nose and throat daily with physiological saline. Regularly clean houses, schools, and daily-life items with common disinfectants. Vaccination against chickenpox for children 12 months of age. Vinmec International General Hospital always has chickenpox vaccine available for both children and adults, especially for women before pregnancy to protect health and prevent the disease from spreading. Let us protect your life.
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