Using drugs to treat high blood pressure but not effective, is it due to drug resistance?

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Hello doctor. Her mother has high blood pressure, went to a doctor in a provincial hospital, the doctor gave her medicine to drink, when she took it to lower it, she woke up at night or in the morning to 150-160 mmHg, some days it was up to 170 mmHg. My mother has changed drugs many times plus taken a combination of 2 drugs in the morning and afternoon but still not stable. So the doctor asked me, Using drugs to treat high blood pressure but not effective, is it due to drug resistance? Dangerous disease? Is it difficult to treat and should I take medicine to stabilize it? Thank you doctor.
Dao Thi Minh Tram (1989)
Hello. Your mother has high blood pressure, has been examined and prescribed, but each person is suitable for different drugs, the condition that you take blood pressure medicine lowers, then increases, this condition may not be selected. get the right medication. You should take your doctor back for a check-up so he can re-evaluate your condition to help find a more suitable medication.
Because the drug acts as a "gatekeeper" if left to such high blood pressure times, it is very dangerous, can cause stroke, cerebrovascular accident and many other complications in the long run.
You should bring your mother to see and discuss with the doctor who examined or can go directly to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for in-depth consultation.
Thank you for trusting and sharing the question “Using drugs to treat high blood pressure but not working, is it because of drug resistance? Dangerous disease?" to Vinmec. May your mother always be in good health.
Answered by Master, Specialist II Pham Tuyet Trinh - Head of Inpatient Unit - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
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