Home Tag Unstable blood pressure

Articles in Unstable blood pressure

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Is unstable blood pressure a concern?
Hello doctor! Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. My blood pressure is always unstable, sometimes my blood pressure readings are 140, 150/120 but sometimes it goes up to 160. So what's wrong with this unstable situation and what should I do? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Sincerely thank!
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Signs of high blood pressure are very poor - the best way to detect it is to measure blood pressure
Many people live with persistent high blood pressure without realizing it until they are hospitalized for cardiovascular events. At this time, it is too late to actively prevent hypertension. Recognizing the early signs of hypertension is extremely important.
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Using drugs to treat high blood pressure but not effective, is it due to drug resistance?
My mother has high blood pressure, went to a doctor in a provincial hospital, the doctor gave me medicine to drink, when I took it to lower it, I woke up at night or in the morning to 150-160 mmHg, some days it was up to 170 mmHg.
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Blood pressure fluctuates, in the morning after exercise, blood pressure is low about 110/60, heart rate 60-70, what to do?
Hi doctor! I am 70 years old this year and my blood pressure fluctuates frequently. Systolic blood pressure is sometimes 150-160 high, sometimes only 100-110; Diastolic blood pressure is usually low about 60-75, sometimes below 60. Usually in the morning after cycling and walking for about 1 hour, blood pressure is low about 110/60, heart rate 60-70. So the doctor asked me: "Blood pressure fluctuates, in the morning after exercise, blood pressure is low about 110/60, heart rate 60-70 what to do?". Looking forward to consulting your doctor. I sincerely thank!
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Unstable blood pressure with ventricular extrasystoles how to treat?
Doctor, I have ventricular extrasystoles, arrhythmia and high blood pressure (unstable) in the morning, measuring 145/108, in the middle of the morning it's 135/95, sometimes it's 125/90, at 117/89 . Currently taking aspirin 5 Amlodipine. Doctor let me ask, how to treat unstable blood pressure with ventricular extrasystoles?
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Blood pressure ranging from 138/85 to 160/89 is high blood pressure?
Currently, her blood pressure is unstable, usually ranging from 138/85 to 148/90 sometimes 160/89 in the same day. So the doctor asked me if my blood pressure ranges from 138/85 to 160/89 is high blood pressure? Should I take my daily blood pressure medication?
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Tachycardia with unstable blood pressure?
I just had a heart palpitations about a week ago. My heart rate is always around 96 and is accompanied by unstable blood pressure. So the doctor asked me if my heart rate is fast and my blood pressure is unstable? What do I need to do doctor? I thank you.
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Is an unstable blood pressure reading dangerous?
I measure my blood pressure at home and see a large change in blood pressure at times of the day, usually in the range of 140/85 to 160/89, but sometimes down to 130/80, sometimes up to 190/110. Ask your doctor if an unstable blood pressure reading is dangerous?
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Is unstable blood pressure dangerous?
A 45-year-old male patient whose blood pressure has been unstable in 1 week, changed 2 days ago is 120/90, today it is 145/100, is taking antihypertensive drugs, used to have high blood pressure (105/90) 2 weeks ago . No history of heart disease, normal blood fat, alcohol use. The doctor told me that unstable blood pressure is dangerous?
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Diet and exercise for people with high blood pressure
Tăng huyết áp là bệnh lý phổ biến ở người lớn tuổi. Bệnh thường diễn biến âm thầm nhưng hậu quả rất nặng nề, có thể gây tàn phế hoặc thậm chí là tử vong. Phát hiện, theo dõi và điều trị bệnh sớm, kết hợp với chế độ ăn uống, luyện tập khoa học sẽ giúp tránh được các biến chứng của bệnh, giữ sức khỏe và tuổi thọ cho bệnh nhân.
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