Uses of Zytiga

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According to 2018 statistics, prostate cancer patients taking Zytiga with a low-fat meal can help patients cut down on medication, prevent digestive problems and reduce treatment costs. up to 75%.

1. What is Zytiga? Uses of Zytiga

The active ingredient Zytiga is Abiraterone, an anti-androgen drug used to treat prostate cancer. Most prostate-related cancers require the male hormone testosterone to grow tumors. Testosterone is an androgen (a hormone) produced by the testes and adrenal glands. Anti-androgen therapies work by blocking an enzyme needed for testosterone production. Without testosterone, cancer cells may grow more slowly or stop growing altogether.

2. How to take Zytiga

Abiraterone is available in tablet form, to be taken orally once a day on an empty stomach. Note that patients should not eat 2 hours before and 1 hour after their dose of Zytiga. Swallow Zytiga tablets whole with water, do not chew, bite, or crush the medicine. If a patient has difficulty swallowing Zytiga tablets, contact your pharmacist or care provider. If you forget to take a dose of Zytiga, take your next dose at the scheduled time. Do not take an extra dose of Zytiga to make up for the missed dose. If more than one daily dose of Zytiga has been missed, patients should contact their cancer care professional for more specific instructions.
It is important for patients to ensure that they are taking the correct amount of Zytiga each time. Before each dose, check that what you are taking matches what you have been prescribed. Zytiga is also taken with prednisone (a steroid), so make sure you are taking Zytiga exactly as prescribed by your doctor. The blood concentration of Zytiga can be affected by certain foods and drugs, so it is important to avoid taking Zytiga with: rifampin, phenytoin, carbamazepine, rifabutin, rifapentine and phenobarbital. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider about all medications and supplements you take.

3. Storage and handling of Zytiga

Store Zytiga in its original, labeled packaging at room temperature and in a dry place (unless otherwise directed by your doctor or pharmacist). Zytiga should not be stored in an airtight container. Keep Zytiga out of the reach of children and pets.
If caregivers are preparing a dose for a patient, they should consider wearing gloves or pouring Zytiga directly from the container into the lid, small cup, or directly into the patient's hand. Caregivers should always wash their hands before and after giving medication to a sick person. Pregnant or nursing women should not prepare patients with Zytiga.
Consult your doctor or manufacturer about how to dispose of Zytiga that has expired or is no longer in use, do not flush the toilet or throw it in the trash.

4. Side effects of Zytiga

There are a few things you can do to control the side effects of Zytiga . The doctor will advise and recommend the most appropriate measure for each patient.
Some common side effects of Zytiga:
Fatigue is a common condition during cancer treatment, often not relieved with rest. During cancer treatment with Zytiga and for some time afterward, patients may need to adjust their schedule to manage fatigue, pay attention to rest times during the day, and conserve energy. for more important operations; Musculoskeletal pain, headaches: Your doctor may recommend medications and other strategies to help relieve pain; Peripheral edema due to increased water retention in the body, common edema sites include hands, arms, legs, ankles and feet... sometimes making patients very uncomfortable. Hot flashes, hot flashes: Changes in blood sugar levels: Zytiga may cause hypoglycemia or vice versa elevation in patients with and without diabetes. The doctor will monitor the patient's blood sugar periodically. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include tremors, heart palpitations, dizziness, increased hunger, sweating, and confusion. Signs of hyperglycemia include increased thirst, increased urination or hunger, blurred vision, headache, or fruity breath. Mood changes: Some men have reported mood swings and depression during treatment with Zytiga. Osteoporosis: Men who use Zytiga for a long time have an increased risk of osteoporosis. Patients may be advised to get plenty of calcium and vitamin D to reduce their risk of osteoporosis, preferably in a well-balanced diet that includes 4-8 servings of calcium-rich foods per day. Some less common side effects of Zytiga:
Electrolyte abnormalities Hypertension Hepatotoxicity such as: hepatotoxicity. Adrenal insufficiency Sexuality and Reproductive Function Concerns:
Zytiga may affect the patient's reproductive function, resulting in sperm production becoming irregular or permanently stopped. far. In addition, patients may experience erectile dysfunction or decreased sex drive during treatment. Talk to your urologist about options for treating erectile dysfunction; Zytiga can cause birth defects Patients who have sex with a woman of childbearing age should use a condom and another form of birth control at the same time.

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