Uses of Zofarin

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Zofarin belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs, containing the main ingredient Warfarin sodium with a content of 5mg, prepared in the form of uncoated tablets, a box of 1 bottle contains 100 tablets. Zofarin is a prescription medication used to treat thrombosis, a blood clot in the blood vessels.

1. What is Zofarin?

Zofarin 5mg drug has the main active ingredient is Warfarin and other excipients, has anticoagulant effect against vitamin K group of Coumarin derivatives.
Drugs that inhibit the synthesis of prothrombin (also known as clotting factor II), proconvertin factor (factor VII), anti-hemophilia B (factor IX), Stuart-Prower factor (also called factor IX), factor X) by blocking the action of vitamin K, which is necessary for the synthesis of these clotting factors in the liver. Zofarin is easily soluble in water, so when taken orally, the drug is absorbed quickly and completely. In terms of distribution, the drug is strongly bound to blood proteins about 98-99%. Zofarin is metabolised by the liver by cytochrome P450 enzymes. This metabolism is inhibited by some drugs such as cimetidine or propafenone. Elimination of the drug takes place mainly by the kidneys, with a half-life ranging from 22 hours to 35 hours.

2. Indications and contraindications of the drug Zofarin

Indications for use of Zofarin are as follows:
Patients with artificial heart valve replacement have thrombosis or thrombosis. Used while the patient stops taking Heparin. In acute myocardial infarction to prevent venous thrombosis, in surgery and to support other drugs to treat thrombolysis. Contraindications to using Zofarin:
Do not use Zofarin when the patient is allergic to Warfarin sodium and excipients. People with high blood pressure grade 2 or more severe. The patient has the following diseases: infective endocarditis, peptic ulcer, severe liver and kidney failure. Pregnant women, especially in the first 3 months and the last 2 weeks before giving birth.

3. Dosage and how to use Zofarin

How to use: Zofarin is used orally after the main meal of the day, the patient needs to take the whole uncoated tablet of the drug.
Dosage: Coagulation time (through subclinical tests) determines the dose and duration of drug use, can refer to the dose as follows:
Attack dose: Take 30 to 50mg daily, divided into 3 times in a day. day. Maintenance dose: 3mg to 10mg daily.

4. Side effects of Zofarin while using

Possible clinical undesirable effects after taking Zofarin:
Common: Bleeding. Uncommon: Diarrhea, skin rash, hair loss. Rare: Signs of skin necrosis, vasculitis. If you experience any other unusual signs or symptoms above while taking Zofarin, please inform your doctor.

5. Notes when using Zofarin

Use Zofarin with caution in subjects who are elderly, have many underlying diseases or patients taking some other drugs that have pharmacological interactions with Warfarin such as: Cimetidine (causes bleeding risk), antibiotics... Patients need to be regularly monitored for INR on subclinical. While taking the drug, the patient should not drink alcohol and eat a lot of foods containing vitamin K. Above is the complete information about the drug Zofarin. The drug is used for people with circulatory diseases when prescribed by a doctor. To ensure safety for health, patients only use Zofarin as directed by the doctor, do not arbitrarily increase the dose or combine drugs.

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